Van Mcann- The Friendship

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"You're moving to Glasgow?" He asked me, the expression on his face changed drastically when he realised I wasn't joking "you've lived here for the past 18 years? Why Glasgow?"

"It's for uni Van, 4 years" I said back, we'd been best friends since we were just three years old.

"4 years?" He got up and brushing his hands through his hair, we were at an awkward stage in our relationship, he'd grown up together, watched eachother get our hearts broken and the other week we were so drunk we kissed. I always have fancied him, he's not the typical boy all the girls were obsessing over but there was something about him I always liked. Maybe it was the fact he wore ankle boots instead of trainers, wrote music instead of played football, I don't know what it was. We'd spent almost every day for the past 15 years together and now it was all going to change.

"Van.." I put my hand on his shoulder trying to reassure him it would be okay but when he turned round his eyes were watery.

"Emily, I think I'm in love with you" he said, we were both shocked at what he just said. I just hugged him

"I love you too" I whispered but he went and sat down in the sofa

"No not like that, like I love you. Not just as my best friend"

"Me too, I didn't know you felt like this as well" I sat down next to him and he out a hand on my thigh while we made the type of eye contact that feels intimate. Slowly we leaned in to eachother and he put a hand on the back of my head. Our lips touched and we had our first sober kiss.

"Holy fucking shit!" Bondy said as he walked into the room, seeing what happened. I put my head in my hands leaving Van to do the explaining.

"Erm" he scratched the back of his neck while Bondy was laughing to himself.

"I will give you two some time alone" he chuckled to himself walking out.

"Well, that was awkward" I laughed, sitting back on the couch

"I don't want you to go" he said "we'll be doing the second album so I won't even have time to come see you"

"I know" my heart sunk when the realisation set in

2 years later

Me and my friend Kate were sat in my living room waiting for the new Catfish and the Bottlemen album to be released.

"I still can't believe you grew up with him. I mean he literally came all the way here to Glasgow to tell you he was in love with you" she said nudging my arm

"Yes like almost two years ago, and the morning after he said he needed a year alone and I've not spoke to him since" i was still hurt at the fact he said he couldn't love me because he wanted a year to himself but I was more hurt at the fact I lost my childhood best friend becauss our feelings got in the way. Soon the album dropped and we immediately played it.

"That's about you! I'd love you but I need another year alone! He wrote a fucking song about you!" She said jumping up and down with excitement,I was just shocked.

"Anything you need at any time at all I want you to phone me" that was the last thing Van said to me before I left Llandudno but Kate didn't know that.

"Oh my god, this whole song literally has your name all over it" she exclaimed as Glasgow was playing in the background, everything in the song reminded me of that time he came to Glasgow, unfortunately telling me he couldn't love me the morning after.

There was a song called Emily, I couldn't believe he done that. The songs that described almost our whole relationship was something but the he writes a song called Emily and writes the lyric "6 days in I swear I lost my baby". 6 days after we confessed our feelings to eachother is when I left for Glasgow.

The whole album sounded too familiar but these songs were written like a year ago. There was no way he felt like this after a year of no talking and I just had to accept that.

Hey, I don't know whether to keep writing imagines, I have a few drafts but I'm writing a book called I'm her pacifier, it's a Van mcann fanfic and I have another Van mcann fanfic (I'm obsessed sorry) out called made me fall in love with Glasgow.

The drafts I have saved are of Sam fender, Alex Turner, Bondy and Benji (catb) I'm not sure whether to publish them or not though. If you would be interested let me know though!

Indie Boy Imagines - Sam Fender, Van Mcann etcWhere stories live. Discover now