The beginning

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" ok guys I would suggest you guys try and be kind once you see this don't use it against Peter ok"

On December 26th 2004 the deadliest tsunami on record was hit in the south East cost of Asia
The lives of countless families changed forever
This is the story of one of those families

The scene starts with a woman with blonde hair reading a book
A little boy drawing
And a man on his laptop

"Did you set the alarm before we left the man says"
"Ya it was the last thing I did"
"No I was the last one to leave and I'm sure I didn't set it the man argues
"No darling I was the last one out and I did" the woman says back
" I promise"
"You sure"
"Ok... no no I was the last one cause I went back in and that means the alarm is not set"
"Peter are those are your parents correct" Wanda asks "yup they sure are and that's my little brother" Peter replies
" well I guess that means we will be coming home to a large amount of hippies sleeping in our bed"  Peter moms says
" Just like your old collage days"
That made everyone laugh
" I love how clueless the baby is" All the girls say
The turbulence shakes the plane and peters dad reassured peters mom that they were safe
A little boy walks up
"What are you doing it's time to sit down we're about to land darling"
"But Peter won't talk to me"
The woman takes the boy and trades places with him
Peter is just sitting there looking at the screen
" omg look at how cute small Peter is" shuri says
" ya he was cute" Harley says
" what do you mean was"! Peter said to his boyfriend
" oh I mean your um still cute" Harley says well he walks over to Peter
" Peter is this your friend" peters mom asks
" oh right I'm Harley peters boyfriend"
" Peter you never called to tell me you had a boyfriend" Caleb exclaimed
" well now you know" " Harley come sit now"
Peters mom takes his headphones
" what"
" wow being snarky penis"
" shut up flash" mj says well walking over to her girlfriend shuri
" wait Peter are you British" Clint asks dumbfounded
"Yup" he says popping the p
"You could be a bit nicer to your brother he's just scared"
" so what everything scares him"
There was more turbulence
" I wonder who he takes after"
They both start laughing
" wow Peter I thought you were a non rude child" Scott says
" oh you thought wrong than Peter was a huge trouble maker, once we left him home and he painted our room yellow even the pillows"
"Well damn Peter that sounds great we should go pranking sometime" clint said
The scene switch's to a car driving on a road kao lake Thailand
Christmas Eve
(For peters family I'm going to put pf for peters father and pyb for peters youngest brother)
Pf exits the car and says "grab all your belongings"
"Have you been to kao lake before" the tour guide asks
"No it's our first time"
" it's always really fun but this area is always quiet" tour guide says
" where do you come from"
" japan" pf says
"You don't look like you come from japan" tour guide says
"Wow racist much" Wanda and Natasha and shuri say
" and you you don't work"
"I'm a doctor, not practicing right now just taking care of my kids"
Peter opens the fridge
"Mom can I have one please"
"Peter if your thirsty drink one of the open waters"
The whole family chimes in
Peter puts it back
I'm skipping the dramatic getting dressed scene ok
The scene changes to a nice dinner than to families counting down from 10
They all let go of lanterns
"Oh that looks fun" Tony Clint and a few of peters classmates say
Scene change all of the boys get put to bed and the parents go to bed
"Gotta get that sleep" Caleb  says
"Wait where was Caleb" Sam asks
" he was staying with aunt may" Peter says
The scene shows it though a camera of the kids getting up
First a zoom in of the younger brothers than it shows Peter
Peter get smacked on the back and lifted from his feet
"Oh dang Peter you got full on attacked" his classmates say
It shows the kids getting toys and Peter getting a ball than it shows Peter doing a flip on the beach
" wow Peter that would help with Spider-Man"
Peter gets up and jumps on tony and starts slapping him " your so stupid stupid stupid stupid" Peter gets up takes his bf by the ear and drags him back to the set
So everyone that was the good start to things ok now be prepared for next time

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