How to draw manga:Chapter 12 Make a manga!

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Now if you've been reading my how to draw manga chapters, you may be wondering how to draw manga, an actual Japanese comic book! Lets start with what you need.
-Good pencils made for drawing, not #2 pencils
-a white eraser, they really work
-drawing paper, not loose leaf paper
-pens meant for drawing to trace over the pencil
-If you want, colored pens but it will take you forever.
Start with your story, what will it be about? action? romance? comedy? adventure? Here's a way to organize how you'll make your manga.
Theme=school life
Location=Tokyo,Japan, HighSchool
Tenma Tsukmato (hyper bubbly)
Harima (delinquent)
Karasuama Ojii (poker face)
Eri (rich a little snooty)
Mikoto (tougher, less girly)
Akira (cool and calm)
Yakumo Tskumato(calm and sweet, younger than tenma)
Don't make them stereotypical, Thats boring. If Eri is rich, she doesn't always have to be snooty and popular. She can have a hidden talent or have a thing for nerds or something like that...
Just be original, don't have a new girl all shy and sweet all the time, make her have an attitude or some creative personality. Just be creative!
Have a plot that can go on and catch a readers attention instantly. Like, have a girls bf cheat on her in the first chapter or have a guy start with a terrible childhood and become a ninja. Again, be creative!
Get inspiration! If your making a story on wattpad, have a title that pretty much explains the story so people know if they really want to read it.
If your making a real manga, go ahead and make a title a little vague.
People pay others hundreds of dollars just for a cover, because people judge books by their cover. Make your cover amazing! But also know logic. If your story is about love and romance, don't put a male ninja on the cover. This may seem like a no-brainer but people do this!
Remember, your never too young to make manga, start now. Who knows, your manga could be as famous as Naruto and soon be turned into anime!
Alright guys I'm all out of is ideas what I could teach how to draw so guys, why don't you decide! Please gimme something, if not this "how to"thing could be nearing the end! So if you have suggestions just leave a comment

OMG your making me cry 1,000 views!? Are you kidding me?!
Thank you thank you so much!!!! That's a lot of people! ❤ U people!
Also I'm coming out with two new series! One is named HighSchool (Check it out!) and I may be making a public diary(Of course names and other stuff will be switched so that no one knows personal info) Should I make this? idk....
But look out for the new series HighSchool please!!!


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