you look like a snack

15 0 4

*readers pov*

        You walk into the kitchen looking for a midnight snack. You arnt usually hungry but something is pulling you towards the cupboard. You carefully open the door of the cupboard, it quietly creeks as you move the hinge back. You reach your hand untill you feel your fingertips touch the glass of the a new peanut butter carefully pull the jar out of cupboard making sure not to drop it.
        "Mmmmmm" You say as you slowly ease the plastic lid of the jar off. You peel back the safe seal from the rim of the jar as you smell the sweet smell of peanut butter fill the air. You open the kitchen draw looking for a spoon but there are no spoons left. You have to improvise.

        You take your hand and shove it into the peanut butter and carefully take your hand back out.

       You sit on the floor for the next three hours licking peanut butter off your hand. Your mother finds you the next morning laying on the floor with the jar of peanut butter left leaking (it's. Leaking peanut butter guys I promise) she's sure to ground you this time.

Credit to my friend Kat (idk if she has a Wattpad) for mentioning peanut butter to me.

-badboyhalo probably (if u read my other story you know)

late night snack (one night stand?)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu