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Hi my name's Layla green. I live in Atlanta Georgia with a mom and a pet cat, the cats mean, but I'm not talking about the cat I'm talking about my life.
4 years ago: how my dad pasted
I woke up to a tap on my window. I looked out. it was the cereal killer everyone was looking for, wanted posters, the police even went to people's houses to look. but he was with a latter outside my window he looked very firmiler. he put his whole face up and I saw it was my dad. I told my mom and she called the cops, they cought him but he was only In prison for 2 years when he got back he was almost like a different person, he was going to see his dad but on the trip he had a tragic car accident. my dad died and I was always in tears but not as much as my mom she loved him so much and he died so to take out her anger she would always punch me in the gut, face, throat, etc. but I still loved her and I could never call the police.
Now: what's happening in the story
It's a Sunday night and Monday is already on its way. I really hate school, my teacher saw my scars once but then she acted like she had never ever seen them before. I decided since I'm so not tired I'll climb out my window and walk around maybe go to the pharmacy to get some new make up. but I cought an eye at a boy with dark hair he came over and asked, "what are you doing late at night?" I just looked at him with a puzzled face while his was smiling, "um same question for you" I started walking away when he said, "my names chandler, what's yours?" I turned around to look and him and said In a calm voice," my names Layla" he nodded and gave a smile he kinda looks nice I mean with blue eyes and the brown hair he looks cute! He asked to see my phone but already I knew what he was doing he was putting his number into my phone and I was correct, he put the contact as ❤️chandler❤️ and then I asked for his phone to put my number in there, and my contact as 💩layla💩 lol I don't know why but I did! I told him I had to go home though I wanted to get make up but I went home and a little while later
C=chandler. L= Layla
C: why did you put your contact name with the poop emoji?

L: idk I guess I just felt like it.

C: lol well what's up?

L: nothin just tryin to fall asleep but then I realize that schools tomorrow.
C: Lol what school do you go to
L: spicer high school
(Sorry I don't know high schools in Atlanta)
C: woah, really? I'm about to transfer there! Maybe we'll see each other
L: yeah maybe but I gotta go to sleep text me in the morning.
C:okay night😘
And just like that I had a new friend. chandler is sweet and he's the only person who actually offered to be my friend. well I'm going to sleep.

The guy I met (chandler riggs)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt