Chapter 70: Love Sparks an Agreement

Start from the beginning

"So be it," he says simply before advancing toward me.

On instinct, I take a step back; take a deep breath and ignite my palms.

"Stay away from me or I swear I'll blast you right out of this ship," I shout.

To my surprise, he does stop. Though he does so with a sly smile.

"A special one indeed," he starts instead. "A human with legacies, and a rabbit for a pet."

My heart freezes.

"How do you know about Pixie?" I ask.

He does nothing but smile initially. "I never did complete my work with the Chimærae," he continues, undeterred by my confusion. "I have to admit; she's a loyal one, and strong too, the reason why she came all this way."

I see him glance to the side of the large room. Curious, I follow his gaze.

And there, in the dark of the last light in row, is a small silver cage. That which I'm sure holds the bunny I have come to love all too well. Unlike the usual cages, this one has no bars. Instead, a translucent blue force field surrounds her.


My face stings with heavy tears. My breath catches in my throat. The light from my palms fade and my legs move fast.

I am running. Running to get to her.

It is the same barrier as the one from West Virginia that is keeping me from running a hand through the Chimæra's fur.

"Pixie..." I whisper. The Chimæra only responds with a fierce tremor. The bunny spasms upon hearing my feeble voice and I have to stifle a gasp. She quakes and rattles, like when she tries to shapeshift into another form. Although in this case, it doesn't appear like her shapeshifting ability is working. "Oh my god..." I say with a hand cupped over my mouth.

How long was she here? How long did that monster have her caged in here? Caged in here without telling me? What did he do to her?

There are splotches of blood smeared over her lightly browned coat as well as the bottom of the enclosure. She lies on her side, unmoving; it doesn't seem like she can move other than violent seizing. Probably worse yet, there are black streaks running under her skin, hidden under fur in some areas and clearly visible in others.

I drop to my knees, clutching the edge of the counter that the cage sits on.

"What- what did you do?" I ask, my voice shaky and not wanting to face him.

"What I thought of doing for centuries to enhance my work," he replies. "Never had a Chimæra come into my possession since Adamus set them free."

I take a deep heaving breath; turn my head and plead, my face full of tears, "Please. You have to let her out. She's hurt. She won't survive in there."

Setrákus seems to consider this for a moment.

"I suppose I could," he replies then. "If only you saw reason."

I look up to Pixie once more, who is still lying motionless in her place. Then back to the merciless Mogadorian Commander.

"Please. I'll do anything," I beg, and it all pours out of me before I can stop myself. "I'll respect your desires. I'll keep Ella by your side. I'll even read the Great Book. If you want to run your experiments on me, I won't stop you. Just let her go free."

He raises an eyebrow, as if searching me for lies.

Seeing that there are none, he steps closer to where I still kneel by Pixie's cage, and he commands, "Stand up."

I do so, my knees shaky and weak, and stand before him.

"If you so wish to save the Chimæra, you will take regular augmentations twice a day. When you wake and before you rest. You will assist me with finalizing my work; do what I tell you without interference. In return, I will grant you permission to keep her near and free," he says tactfully. "However, if a single augmentation is missed, it is her life that ends, not yours. Do you agree?"

I don't need to think about my answer; don't need to plan it or construct it in any way.

"Yes," I reply directly.

Setrákus nods and gestures to the metal chair in the center of the room.

"Have a seat," he instructs for the second time. Likely noticing my reluctance to leave the frail Chimæra, he adds, "I will free her."

With a shaky breath, I walk backwards to the chair and sit, never taking my eyes off of him as he deactivates the blue barrier.

Once the force field is gone, he reaches inside to pick up the inert bunny and brings her to me with surprisingly gentle care.

I take her and settle her in my lap, whispering while she quivers, "It's alright. I've got you."

While Setrákus Ra prepares his experiments for the upcoming procedure I agreed to undergo, I sit more at ease with Pixie now in my care, stroking a hand through her messy and bloodied fur.

"Would you like me to give you some anesthetic before we begin? It will help relieve some of the pain," he questions.

The bunny in my lap takes a deep breath in, my hand rising when her lungs expand and falling when they contract. I don't need much time for this answer either.

"No," I say firmly.

"As you wish. Shall we begin?" he asks.

I take a deep breath as he approaches with a dark-filled syringe, then nod my head.

Setrákus Ra takes ahold of my bicep and the needle enters my skin and flesh. I grit my teeth and hold Pixie close to battle through the piercing pain.

After multiple other syringes of the same black substance, I cannot keep my eyes open any longer. I fall into a deep sleep, Pixie resting peacefully in my arms. 

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