one. (wild wild life.talking heads)

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As I lay in bed I daydream of that damn Cameron. Cameron Frye. My Cam. We weren't ever going to be anything more than best friends in a friend group, but I couldn't help myself from wishing it were something more...


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"Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond."


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"I could be the walrus, I'd still have to bum rides off of people."


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"You knew what you were doing when you woke up this morning, didn't you?"

Senior Year.
The Promise land.
The end all be all.

That's what was promised at least, but to be honest it didn't seem any different than Junior year. Of course I had the seniority, the glamour, the adoration, but to me it was just another school year. But, who am I to complain? I'll be out of here in no time and on my way to art school... despite the disapproval of just about everyone.

I'm Heather, Heather Smith. Most people know me as Glenbrooke North High School's most prized cheerleader. I know what you're thinking. Cheerleader= Massive Bitch, but I try to be the exact opposite. Freshman year I wasn't too fond of the Cheer Seniors who paraded the halls, believing they owned the school and everyone in it. Which is exactly why I strive to be the opposite... Sadly people don't know that. They see the title and automatically it's my reputation ruined.

First semester flew by fast, and before my friends and I knew it, it was Christmas Break. Now we lie in second semester, so close to sweet sweet freedom... yet so far.

As I close my locker in the cheerleader's prideful locker room, I catch my best friend Sloane Peterson from the corner of my eye, skipping up to join my side. Despite her still being a Junior, I still spent all my time with her. I had been best friends with her boyfriend, Ferris Bueller since diapers, and had gotten to know her when he named her his girlfriend last fall.

"Hey, Heath." Sloane chirped, joining me for our daily morning stroll to our friends.

"Good morning, Sloane. You got that spring competition routine down?" I asked, shifting the binders in my arms around a bit nervously.

"Oh yea, for sure. All thanks to you. There's no way I could have ever gotten it down without your help last night." she explained, thankfully.

"Anything for the coolest junior cheerleader I know." I replied, smiling at her.

"There's Ferris..." she said, as we entered the main hall, now walking a bit faster to catch up with her boyfriend.

Ferris Bueller was part of our small friend group. A brother to me, a boyfriend to Sloane. He tended to be spontaneous in his ways, and knew just about everyone at Glenbrooke North.

"Hello, darling. And Heather." Ferris politely greeted. He kissed Sloane softly, and reached out his right arm to do our handshake with me.

"Hey, Cam." I greeted Cameron Frye, who brooded against the lockers, as Ferris and Sloane had their little gross couple's pow wow.

Cameron Frye was downright gloomy. It was only on rare occasions that we got him to actually smile, in which case the smile would fade back into a frown quickly.

"Morning, Heather." Cameron sighed. It was nothing to take personal, just Cameron.

"Did you sleep alright?" I asked him, knowing he didn't always get the best sleep, especially when his parents had their nightly arguments.

"Do I ever?" he joked with a light chuckle.

"That's why I brought you this." I smiled, pulling out a coffee filled Thermos from my backpack. "Energy!"

"Gee, thanks, Heath." Cameron said, turning red in the cheeks. "What would I do without you?"

"Not have anyone serious to talk to about your problems and be tired all the time." I said, looking up at him.

Cameron took a long sip of the warm liquid, and sighed pleasurably. "It's what you made us after-"

"-George's party when we were all hungover on my bedroom floor, just like you like it." I finished, pleased that he enjoyed the gesture.

"You're the best, Heather." Cameron half-smiled.

"I try. Let's get going." I say as the bell rung, walking with my string bean of a friend to our statistics class.

Day Off • Cameron FryeWhere stories live. Discover now