We get in her car and drive to Dunkin getting everyone's usual. On a hunch we get a strawberry sprinkle donut for Penelope.

"So Liz, did you ever go on a date with MG?" I ask looking down. I know I said I want them to work out and technically I still do, but that's just because she's straight and if she's gonna be with a guy, I want it to be MG. He's the only good one I know at the school. If she's in a relationship maybe I would stop liking her. I mean not that I do...like her.

It's complicated, my feelings for her. Not that there are feelings, like romantic feelings. I don't know what I'm saying honestly. Recently I've been feeling different around Lizzie. Obviously she's always been my best friend, but with Josie always around Penelope and Lizzie spending more time with me, I'm not sure if I have more than friendly feelings for her.

Maybe it's just because I haven't had any other crushes this year so far, and I'm always with Lizzie. I can't lie though, sometimes I think we would be a really good couple. There's always these moments between us that my heart beats 10 times faster. I know, I'm thinking way to far into something that would never happen.

It would just make things so much more complicated. If Lizzie knew I may have some sort of feelings for her, there's a chance things would change between us. I definitely don't want to risk ruining our friendship. Then again, she's my best friend and theres nothing that could tear us apart. At least I hope there isn't.

"Oh yeah we did. We're going on another date Saturday. Im not sure where it's gonna go though, he's sweet of course but I don't want to force myself into something with him."

Alright that stings a little. "What about you Mikaelson? Have eyes for anyone new..."

"Um not really. I am over Landon though, I mean it's been a year so I'm just living the single life."

Landon and I dated freshman year beginning to end. We were always fighting and it was better to just drop it all together. He also wasn't very accepting of what he called my "choice" to be bisexual. Whenever me and Josie would interact, how we always do, he would get mad and say I'm cheating.

Don't even get me started on when I would sleepover and stay in Josie's room. He made me call him every time and stay on the phone with him because one time he thought he heard "a sexual noise" coming from Josie. I told that kid one million times that Josie is my best friend and nothing more. I just find it so annoying when people can't understand our friendship. So then, I broke up with him.

"Lets both swear off relationships forever. I mean at least we'll always have each other."  Lizzie chuckles as I blush looking down. Too bad she'll never know how I feel, especially since she's making moves with MG. Apart of me regrets ever telling her to go on a date with him.

"Yeah, oh so did you find anything in the office?"

"No but I did copy the office key, I felt like a badass detective."

"In need of a detective? Call 1-800 badass Lizzie." We both laugh pulling into our parking spot. Lizzie grabs her drink and I grab the holder with mine, Josie and Penelope's coffees.

"Bye Hopey, see you after first period!" Lizzie walks off to her home room. Mine is upstairs in the C hall.
After my homeroom teacher takes attendance, I meet up with Josie outside of her homeroom that's downstairs.

"Hey Jose, how was the meet up with coach?" I ask handing Josie her coffee.

"It was good, she wanted to give me a little appreciation gift, so that was sweet. She's really excited about the cheer we're gonna do tonight."

Mystic Falls High (Posie/Legacies) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя