Josette Slutzman

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~Josie's P.O.V~

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Ughhhh" I groan throwing my phone across my room because of the stupid alarm.
6:30 am. Why is school a thing? This weekend was so amazing with Penelope, I can't believe we're dating. I feel like I'm in a really good place right now.
I slowly get up walking to my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

Once I do my morning routine I pick out my outfit. Deep blue high-waisted skinny jeans paired with a pastel yellow crop top that's off the shoulders and pastel yellow pumps. I let my hair fall down in curls and apply some light makeup with a nude colored gloss on my lips. I want to look really nice for Penelope today. I'm hoping we can tell everyone we're together during school so maybe random people will stop coming up to me.

I make my way downstairs for a quick breakfast before me and Lizzie have to leave and get Hope. I'm just going to have some yogurt and strawberries.

"Hey, Jo. I'm gonna make a waffle before we go" Lizzie walks to the freezer. She's wearing a pink off the shoulder sweater with light blue jeans and white heels.

"I want Dunkin before school so we have to hurry."

Eventually 7:10 am rolls around, Lizzie and I are in the car on our way to Dunkin before picking Hope up. Of course we get her coffee as well. I get my usual.

I check my phone to see a text from Penelope.

From: "Bb 😚"
Good morning Babygirl, how did you sleep?

To: "Bb 😚"
Lonely without you. I miss your face and good morning babe 😘

From: "Bb 😚"
You'll see me soon, I miss you too though.

I can't help but smile, she's so sweet with me. We pull up to Hope's house as she's walking outside wearing dark blue jeans and a white blouse with cream colored heels.

"Looking good hot stuff" I wink at Hope as she gets in the seat behind me. "Not as good as you" she smirks back.

We swerve into our usual spot in the school parking lot while the other students stare. I hear a motorcycle engine revving that captures my attention. She pulls into the spot across from us and takes her helmet off. She's wearing black ripped jeans with a red v-neck t-shirt that falls off one of her shoulders. So sexy.

"BABY!" I scream running up to her. Penelope turns my way and grabs my hips pulling me into a kiss. I can feel everyone's eyes on us.

"That's hot."
"Lets have a threesome."
"Josie Saltzman's porno but with the new girl this time!"

Of course, people have to ruin a perfect moment. I can't stand Vinny, the guy who made that last comment. Last year someone edited a porno and photoshopped my face onto it. I found out when upperclassman guys started asking me if they can hit it from behind like the guy in the video did. I didn't know what that meant until I was called into the principals office. Surprisingly nobody has brought it up this year until now.

Penelope broke our kiss glaring at Vinny. Without a moment slipping by she punches him square in the nose. Ouch, that doesn't look good.

"Nobody. I mean nobody, Is going to disrespect my girlfriend. Do you understand?" She announces to probably half, if not more, of the student body.

Lizzie and Hope run up to us frantically with Hope holding my coffee and bag. "What just happened?"
Lizzie breathes out.

"Someone mentioned..last year."

"Jojo, what happened last year?" Penelope questions.
"It's a long story babe, I'll tell you later I promise."

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