Chapter 2

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Forever, California

Joe released a loud moan and grabbed his forehead. Why was his forehead sticky? In an instant it all flooded back to Joe, being at the Pony and almost meeting his Maker over his pancakes. Joe cracked his eyes open a slit and realized it wasn't a bad dream.  This was definitely going to be the talk of the town for awhile.

"Hey Joe. Take it easy. We are going to get you to the hospital in no time." A talkative EMT bearing the name badge Lawrence continued to prattle on. With visions of pancakes swirling in his head, Joe sank back into darkness.

San Francisco, California 

Barnabas "Barn" Love was feeling good. Barn has gotten up early to fit a jog in before work. He even had time this morning for devotionals. Something he had sadly neglected in the past few years. His son, Tommy, was surprisingly well behaved. But that could have been due to the fact that school was getting out soon.  Today was going to be a great day. He felt like he was finally coming into his own as a doctor and as a single parent. After years of working long hours and raising his son by himself he felt like he finally had a handle on his life. 

That all changed when his cell phone rang. Barn had just pulled into his parking spot at the clinic when an unknown number flashed across his cell phone screen. Barn typically would have ignored it. But something prompted him to answer the phone. 

"Hello, this is Dr. Love. How may I help you?"

There was a pause on the other line and then the sound of muffled laughter. "Doctor Love. I bet you get a lot of comments about that."

Barn stifled a groan. Barn had the wrong name.  Between being teased as a child for his first name (think a purple dinosaur) and then being mocked for his last name in medical school, he had his fair share of ribbing. Barn cleared his throat "How can I help you?"

The woman on the other line sobered instantly. "Um, Yes we have a Joseph Love at our hospital. He has listed you as next of kin. Joseph suffered a heart attack this morning."

Barn was starting to get out of his blue vintage truck and froze. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

And just like that Barn's carefully constructed world came crashing down.

The next few hours were a blur. After getting off the phone with the doctor and confirming that his dad's condition was stable, Barn had hurriedly made arrangements at the clinic for other doctors to cover his patients. Then Barn had raced home and started packing for the trip. Thankfully, Tommy's bags were almost packed due to the upcoming trip to visit his grandpa. 

Barn  was waiting in the carpool line when Tommy's school let out. 

"Dad, why are you picking me up?" 

Barn sighed. Barn never enjoyed delivering bad news. Unfortunately that was part of his job but it seemed especially difficult today, because he had to deliver bad news about his own family.

"We are going to visit Grandpa Joe earlier than planned. Grandpa Joe is in the hospital. He isn't feeling well."

"Oh, is Grandpa Joe going to be okay?"In Tommy's short lifetime, he had experienced more than his fair share of heartache. He understood more than most kids his age what a visit to the hospital could mean.

"It's looking good so far. How about we say a prayer for your Grandpa Joe?" Even though Barn was still working on his relationship with God after his wife's passing, he still strove to model to his son what it meant to have a relationship with God.

"Why don't you start the prayer, Tommy? And I will finish."

Barn bowed his head and fought to hold back the tears as he listened to his son's innocent prayer. When had Barn's faith been as innocent? Lost in his thoughts, his son had to repeat his statement before it registered.

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