Chapter 1

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Happy Valley, OR - One week earlier

"Nooooo!" Brooke Heart wailed as she opened the front door of her Happy Valley apartment. Her apartment looked like  an advertisement for a toilet paper company gone awry. Toilet paper was strewn around the living room and kitchen space. "MK, honestly!" Brooke muttered in frustration. MK, her white and brown Shih Tzu, came trotting out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to her paws. MK was looking every bit as proud as she always was when she got into trouble. 

Brooke reached down and took the toilet paper off MK's paws before setting down her satchel  on a nearby kitchen chair. She paused a moment to look out her window, which overlooked the Clackamas Town Center. She loved to shop there when she had free time. She especially liked to visit the camping gear store. Her apartment was full of gear that she had yet to use during that all too rare free time.

She decided that MK better go out before another mess of sorts was created. Brooke leashed up MK and they went down the apartment stairs to MK's favorite spot on the lawn.

MK was a present for Brooke's 34th birthday last year. Brooke's mom insisted that a dog was exactly what she needed, because it was not good for her to be living alone. Brooke protested at first but when her mom brought MK over on her birthday, she knew that she wouldn't give her back. 

MK was short for Ms. Kerchief because of the markings on her head that made her look like she was wearing a kerchief. MK was still in training and sometimes she got herself into a bit of trouble. Brooke had been recently trying to let her stay at home without being in a kennel but now realized it was probably too much freedom.   

Walking back up the stairs, Brooke opened the apartment door, but this time she laughed. "What a mess!" She said while she unleashed MK. Brooke quickly went to work cleaning up the toilet paper. Brooke loved MK but she needed a break.

She realized that it wasn't really MK's fault, well the toilet paper was, but being tired was nothing new to her. She had been working really hard at her job, too hard. She was a social worker and while it was a rewarding job, she was afraid she was burning out.

"That is why we are getting away, MK," Brooke said as she finished putting the last of the toilet paper in the trash can. Brooke checked around the apartment for any other things out of place and found nothing. Satisfied, she went into the kitchen to cook dinner. 

Opening the fridge she saw that she was going to have to be creative. Quickly scanning her options she grabbed the half jar of tomato sauce, leftover olives, and some spinach. She grabbed pasta from the pantry and set out to make an improvised pasta dish. 

While she was cooking, Brooke recalled the conversation that had made her think about getting away from Happy Valley. Two week ago, Brooke was on the phone with her friend from college, Addy. Brooke had been telling her she was afraid she wouldn't last much longer in her job.  She admitted that the long hours and endless cases involving kids and families was nearly breaking her.

That was when Addy suggested that Brooke take the summer off and come visit her. Addy was a social worker too and had recently moved back to her hometown after several years in San Francisco. She was setting up a private practice and invited Brooke to come down to help her get organized.

Brooke said she'd think about but she wasn't sure if she could get away. Still Addy insisted that she try. 

"I just can't see my boss letting me off for an entire summer," Brooke explained.

"How much PTO do you take a year? I bet you have more time off then you use. You've been there like... what 5 years?" Addy replied.

"I hate it when you're right, yes... yes... I have more PTO than I could ever take in a year." 

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