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What is your name?: Justin Honard

What is your drag name?:  Alaska Thunderfuck

Username?:  YourMakeUpIsTerrible

Who is your favourite teacher?:  Michelle

What is your favourite class?:  Reading

Describe yourself in 1 word?:  Stupid

What class are you in?:  5

Small or large friendship group?:  Small

What animal do you identify with?:  Cat

Favourite song?: ARTPOP by Lady Gaga

Who is your idol?:  Lady Gaga

Favourite show?: Sons of Anarchy/ Golden girls

Favourite color?:  Pink or black

Do you have siblings?:  Yes

Do you do your homework on time?:  Yes

Do you smoke?:  Yes

What is your worst habit?:  Biting my nails

Least favourite class?:  Physical Education

Do you like the chatroom idea?: It's alright

A little like fate~ ShalaskaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora