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RuPaul stood on the stage in front of the crowd of students. Michelle stood close by, clutching a bunch of papers, staring out towards the crowd. Ru cleared his throat and tapped the mic before stepping forwards to speak. "Welcome to a new term at school, it's lovely to see you all looking so well. It's lovely to see our old students with our new students, as you all know at this school we are one. As you all know we get to choose our family, you might not be accepted at home but here we're one big family. This year we have decided to try something different to let you all mingle." The students stared at each other with confused expressions on their faces whilst the teachers smiled.
"We have created a website. This website is a chatroom. You will fill out an online questionnaire and by tonight you will be matched with another student who has similar interests to you. You're partner may end up being a close friend or a student you have never met. You will not meet until the end of year but by then we hope you will have gained an new friend." Whispers filled the hall and Ru turned to face the teachers, who were whispering among themselves, before turning back to the students.
"With this chatroom, there are rules; all names will be blocked, bullying will not be tolerated, limit bad language and just have fun."
A student in the middle of the hall raised their hand. "Yes Yvie?" Ru asked.
"Is the chatroom just on the computers?"
"You'll be pleased to know there is an app which you are all able to download." Excited chatter filled the hall and the teachers smiled at the student's excitement.
"Now before you leave us, all new students will have to see Michelle who will tell you your new class and is there anymore questions about the chatroom?" No hands were raised so Ru clapped his hands. "You may all return to your dorms and common rooms and fill out your questionnaires. Oh, and girls, don't fuck it up."
The scraping of chairs could be heard as the older students left the room and the younger ones lined up to speak with Michelle.

A/N~ I am aware Sharon and Alaska are NOT together and I respect that. I DON'T ship Shalaska. I write my stories from requests on Instagram. I'm happy Sharon and Alaska are both happy now and everything I write is fiction.

A little like fate~ Shalaskaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें