"Oh yeah. Like a knife through butter."

Chimney passed Bobby a turnout coat and the saw which was promptly handed to Buck. The truck owner realized what was happening with a moment of panic.

"What?! No, I spent twelve hundred bucks on that tail pipe!"

"Man, you might wanna close your eyes. Twelve hundred? Wherever you get serviced is ripping you off," the latina said, kissing her teeth and shrugging.

"Just type your number into my phone and I'll text you so you have mine," one of Jennifer's friends told Buck.

"Do you have Snapchat?" the other asked Eddie.

"Uh no and I don't think I'm what you're looking for. I have a son."

"That's great! So do I."

"Alright, back to the circle. Let's go!" Mari shouted, gesturing for the two women to move back. She motioned for everyone to give them more room and stood guard to ensure no drunken idiot stumbled towards the saws.

"Hey! Who bought a stripper?" some guy shouted, wrapping his arm over Mari's shoulders. She pulled back, a disgusted look on her face. "C'mon baby."

"Look man, I'm just here to do my job. Back off," she snapped.

He slid his hand under her suspenders and rested it dangerously low on her waist. "Then why don't you join us after your shift?"

"I said back off." The words were low and growled out as she wiggled away from him. He reeked of booze and just the smell was bringing bad memories to the surface. The guy reached out to grab her wrist when a much larger body pushed between the two of them.

"Is there a problem here?" Eddie barked out.

"Nah man, you know how it is. Girls playing hard to get," the guy slurred.

"Nah man," Eddie scoffed. "She said back off. I don't see where that's playing hard to get."

Eddie had at least four inches on the guy and the sight of Buck coming to join them caused the guy and his friend to hightail it back into the bar.

"Thanks," she sighed as they walked towards the truck.

"No problem. Asshole should have just respected you," he bit out.

Buck jogged to catch up with them. "Is your son really the reason you won't date?"

"Does someone really need a reason for not dating?" Mari drawled out. "I don't date."

"That's because every waking moment of your life is consumed with work," Buck shot back.

"Or maybe it's because every interaction I have with guys usually turns out like the one I just had. I'm going to go help Bobby."

As they watched the brunette scurry off towards the truck, Eddie finally answered Buck's question. "That and they weren't my type."


Maybe she loved her trucks too much. Mariana was seated in the driver's seat of the engine truck with her feet propped up on the dash as she sifted through repair receipts and paperwork for truck inspections. She flipped to the next page as movement caught her attention. Shutting the folder, Mariana hopped out of the truck with a bright smile on her face.

"Is this the famous Christopher I've been hearing so much about?" she gasped, crouching down so she could be eye level with him. Eddie rested a hand on his son's shoulder and grinned.

"Christopher, meet Mariana. She's a paramedic and the engineer for our shift."

"You can call me Mari. All my friends do," she greeted.

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now