Meeting Kelsey's Sister

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Captain Mitchell:Rangers today Kelsey is bringing her little sister to the Aquabase and I need you to make her feel welcome and to Keep her safe and please be nice ok thank you and also she is going to start working here at LightSpeed Rescue she is going to help Miss Fairweather here she comes guys

*Kelsey comes in with her sister and Carter looks at her and smiles and so does Ryan*

Kelsey:Guys I want you to meet my little sister Rissa she will be staying here with us and bunking with me and Dana and I am older then her and very protective of her

Carter:Hi I'm Carter Grayson LightSpeed Red Ranger it's nice to meet you Rissa *shakes her hand* and it's nice to have you here with us and this is my team Dana Ryan Joel Chad and your sister Kelsey and this is Captain Mitchell he runs LightSpeed Rescue

Chad:Hi I'm Chad the Blue Ranger and Kelsey is my Best Friend nice to meet you and happy to have you here with us and we can show you around the base of you like

Rissa:It's nice to meet you all and Kelsey told me everything about you guys and sure I like that a lot and thanks for letting me stay here Captain Mitchell and I know that Kelsey is worried about me cause I am her little sister

*The Rangers show her around and Carter is smiling from ear to ear and he wants to tell Kelsey that he likes her sister *

Carter:This is where me Chad and Joel sleep and Ryan he has his own room we do a lot of training and their is always a monster in the city and I am glad you are here to stay so I was wondering if you like to hang out sometime? maybe get lunch? I know Kelsey is protective of you and we all are going to protect you no matter what so what do say?

Rissa:I love to and I know she is cause Kelsey is my older sister and awe that's so sweet of you guys thank you it means a lot to me Carter *hugs him* Your so sweet and I better go see Kelsey now see you later bye *leaves*

*Kelsey and Dana set up the room for Rissa and she comes in*

Dana:Hi I'm Dana Ryan's sister and Captain Mitchell's daughter and the Pink Ranger it's nice to have you here Kelsey told us that you were coming today and I hope you don't Mind but she told me and Miss Fairweather about your condition and I am a Medical aid

Rissa:No I am not mad and Kelsey I hope you didn't tell anyone else I don't want them to know especially Carter cause I like him a lot and he asked me to lunch hope that is ok sis and I am not mad that you told Dana and Miss Fairweather as long as nobody else knows I am fine with it and thanks Dana

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