History of Tally Marks

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In 2100, world war 5 was fought but unlike previous world wars, it was fought over genetics. Geneticists had figured out a way to rid humans of certain emotions such as violence and sorrow. However, humans could only undergo one such operation and could only rid themselves of one of the two emotions. Governments wanted people to undergo the first operation so that world peace is achieved.However the public was wary about this initiative. Some found it unnatural. Religious groups thought it was against god to change human psyche. Others considered it to be an advancement in technology. Majority wanted the second operation so they could get over the loss of loved ones. After much fighting, governments decided to give the people free will to choose. Everyone had to make a decision on which operation to undergo and on 16th August 2105 everyone in each of the remaining 3 countries after world war 4 underwent the operation. All had optimal results and the operation was heralded a success. A week later, it backfired terribly. The emotions that were supposed to be weakened, dominated other feelings. People who disliked violence became more violent and killed others. Others who wanted to be happy became sadder than ever and depressed. This led to them committing suicide. Chaos ensued as thousands of people started to die. At the very last moment geneticists devised the tally mark serum to try and save the depressed. By that time the people with violent tendencies had all killed each other. The tally mark system helped people realise that they were loved and slowly they started to smile again. They still had the tendency to be sad but they were happier and the suicide rate decreased. The serum caused black tally marks to appear on a person's wrist when their love was requited, chalk marks to appear when the love wasn't and silver marks to appear when their love died.

-Book of Love, Health and Happiness, page 1

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