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-Your P.O.V.-

"I should've known it from the beginning." You whispered to your father, who gave you a look. "The second mom, died, you tried to get me as far away from you as possible." 

"I didn't do such a thing," Jeremy whispered nervously.

"Yes, you did you killed mom, then tried getting me out of the way so I'd never find out, but I did. You failed." You said with a triumphant smirk.

"Okay, listen here's the deal. You keep your mouth shut or I destroy this whole school with everyone in it." Jeremy said with a certain angry fire in his eyes.

You gulped looking into his eyes. He wasn't lying. "Yes, father." You whispered.

"Now, smile so your friends don't think something's wrong." He said plastering a fake grin on his face.

You plastered a fake smile on your face as well. Looking at him as he whispered one last thing.

"Don't think I won't find out if you told someone. I have eyes, and ears everywhere." Jeremy said with one last nod. 

He walked over to where your friends were sitting, whispering something to them, before leaving, the Hospital Wing. Judy, Naomi, Adrian, Newt, and Theseus, all headed over the second your father was completely out of the proximity. They all scrambled around my bed, looking at me concerned.

"Are you okay, babe?" Theseus asked running a finger, through your tangled (H/C) hair.

"Babe?" You asked with a chuckle.

"Would you prefer, (Y/N) or (Y/N/N)?" He asked jokingly.

"I think I like babe," You said chuckling at your boyfriend.

Theseus, smiled at you reaching for your hand as your friend silently fangirled and annoyed beside you guys. But you guys ignored them, as you smiled at each other. But suddenly you felt a pang in your heart. You couldn't do this. 

You've never kept a secret from Theseus in all the time you've known him. It's been only three months, but you just knew, it was going to be hard for you to lie to him. So grinned as if you had nothing on your mind as your friends, smiled back at you.

"Ms. Lemmings." Madame Silveria, called as she marched over to your bed. "You'll be free to leave, as soon as you can stand up, so let's see." 

"Okay." You said trying to sit up. It was a miracle but this time you actually managed to sit up, unlike last time.

Then you turned to your left. Naomi and Judy moved away, as you swung, your legs over the side, of the bed. And stood up. Once you stood, up you could feel the power coming back to your legs. You stretched your arms and your legs a bit. As Madame Silveria, watched your movements, intently. 

"Good, I think you'll be free to leave." SHe said with a nod. "Goodbye." 

MAdame Silveria, said with a nod, as Naomi, handed you bag with some of your clothes, so you could change out of these scratchy Hospital Wing, pajamas. You took the bag, gratefully as you gave your friends a big smile before you walked over to the bathroom. 

You shut the door behind you. Then you began to strip off the pajamas, throwing them into the laundry hamper, before pulling out the clothes Naomi brought for you. You pulled out some light pink loose paper bag pants, you pulled up your legs, before securing the belt. 

You searched through the bag, finding a tight white t-shirt which you pulled over your head. Once you felt comfortable, you searched in the bag and found some white cozy front cross, faux slippers, which you slipped onto your feet. 

You looked into the mirror to see your disheveled, (H/L) (H/C), hair. You searched deeper into the backpack to find a hairbrush. So you began to slowly tame the beats. After ten minutes of brushing your hair was finally, normal, so you pulled it into a high messy bun. 

You put your hand on the doorknob, ready to turn it to face your friends but you turned back to your mirror. You looked at yourself. You missed your mother. In your dream, she seemed to be such a bad person, but you truly knew Bella Lemmings. 

And she was nothing like that. Yeah it was true your father and mother fought a lot, but your mother wasn't a bad person. The tears began to fall as you remember how much you wanted to be with your mom.

 You thought she'd died of a heart attack. That's was what your father had been telling you for nearly 6 months, ever since that horrible day in June. Your father might not be Cardion, but he sure as hell was living demon. He took away the only person you loved, at that time.

 You had to do something. You couldn't just let your mother's death be in vain. You wiped your eyes, putting on a determined face. You had to fix this. You had to make the shitfaced, dickhead pay for his actions. 

So you unlocked the door of the bathroom, stepping out of it. You shut it behind you as all your friends watched you. You nodded at them, throwing your backpack over your shoulders. You had to do something. 

You had to make a plan. A plan to destroy Jeremy Lemmings once and for all.


Drama Llama Rama. Yes, I actually said that. I'm really tired right now, and it's like 10:30 am. I just woke up, like I should be full of energy but all I'm doing is reading a bunch of Lab Rats one-shots. (My addiction is just getting worse lmao). I hope you guys liked this chapter! Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep reading! Much Love!


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