255 : BaiLi TianYi

Start from the beginning

They reached the sales area after half an hour.

Since most students brought the things they needed, and there were few who would deliberately spend points to buy these, there were not many stalls selling daily necessities. But with perseverance, You XiaoMo finally found a mask that was stuck at the bottom of the pile.

The mask was brown in color and its biggest feature was that it was as ugly as an ogre. So it was called the ‘Ogre Mask’.

Without raising any objections, You XiaoMo bought the mask. He searched for an empty corner and took off Ling Xiao’s silver mask, replacing it with the Ogre Mask.

You XiaoMo ginned while patting Ling Xiao’s shoulder, “Not bad, not bad, you’re much more handsome like this.”

Ling Xiao helplessly waved his hands, “Are you sure it doesn’t look ugly?”

You XiaoMo was in a very good mood, “What does it matter? Don’t tell me that you still need to depend on your beauty to survive in this academy?”

“Of course not.” Ling Xiao blinked at him, “You know that I always depend on force, but I don’t exclude others being attracted to me by their own choice.”

You XiaoMo immediately kicked him, “You narcissist!”

Ling Xiao dodged his kick, and lifted You XiaoMo’s chin with his index finger. While beaming, he said, “If I’m not narcissistic, how could I hook you, en?”

You XiaoMo suddenly blushed, and felt his heartbeat increasing.

My God! He was still able to feel something while seeing the Orge Mask. He was truly hopeless now.

“Enough chatting, I need to buy magic herbs.” You XiaoMo did not want to argue with him further. Ling Xiao was obviously the type of person to take a mile when you give them an inch. If he continued talking back, he was sure that Ling Xiao would get more and more shameless as he talked.

“Didn’t you go there recently?” Ling Xiao quickly caught up with him.

“I want to buy level five magic herbs.” Since he wanted to earn points, the TianLing pill and the Mental Purification pill were both absolutely necessary. If not for the fact that he could not bring out top grade magic pills in bulk, he would not have to waste his points to buy the herbs every day.

Ling Xiao suddenly stopped, and gave him a look-over. You XiaoMo had indeed advanced to a level five mage.

Not hearing Ling Xiao’s footsteps, You XiaoMo turned back, “What’s the matter?”

Ling Xiao took out a magic bag and carelessly threw it at him.

You XiaoMo caught it with a flabbergasted expression, and cautiously opened it. Seeing the things inside, he could not help but stare. “Why do you have so many low grade magic herbs?”

Ling Xiao replied, “Because I dug them up.”

Ling Xiao knew that he could not take out his high grade magic herbs, and he had to buy magic herbs every time he refined pills. Thus when Ling Xiao was in the mountains, he plundered all the magic herbs that he saw while on his way. Even he himself did not know what types of magic herbs were in the bag.

You XiaoMo gave the bag a little glance. There were a lot of low and middle grade magic herbs, and it happened that these were all the herbs he needed at his current level.

“But I’m still missing some others.” After finishing looking over it, You XiaoMo kept the magic bag. Although Ling Xiao dug up a lot of herbs, they were all unevenly matched, and there were only a few complete sets of herbs which can be used to refine pills.

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