
1.5K 39 34

12:27 A.M.

@trashmouthtozier added @ekaspbrak @birdbrainuris @silverdenbrough @januaryembersbev @mikeyhanlon and @nkotbben to a group chat

@trashmouthtozier named the group chat "cock 'n roll"

birdbrainuris: nope change it

ekaspbrak: we've been asking you to make this chat for two weeks and this is how you do it?

trashmouthtozier: i'm not changing it. you guys can suck my cock
trashmouthtozier: 'n roll

birdbrainuris: nope change it

januaryembersbev: ew richie
januaryembersbev: why did we ask him to make the chat

mikeyhanlon: i trusted him

birdbrainuris: your biggest mistake

trashmouthtozier: good choice, mikey. as you can see, i did a good job with ye chat requests

birdbrainuris: nope change it

ekaspbrak: dude just change it bc i stg if stan says that one more time i'm gonna strangle you both

trashmouthtozier: do it, coward

ekaspbrak: no

trashmouthtozier: why not

ekaspbrak: cause you'd like it

trashmouthtozier: dick

januaryembersbev: dick

mikeyhanlon: dick

birdbrainuris: dick

silverdenbrough: dick

nkotbben: what is happening

ekaspbrak: dick

nkotbben: oh
nkotbben: dick

birdbrainuris: please strangle him

trashmouthtozier: do it yourself

birdbrainuris: ew i'm not touching you

trashmouthtozier: ok whatever i wouldn't wanna touch me either

januaryembersbev: are you good rich?

trashmouthtozier: lol yeah. stan's words don't hurt. he is but karen smith and i am regina george

birdbrainuris: no, i'm the bus that hits regina george.

januaryembersbev: pFT

nkotbben: i'm gonna put this chat on mute and sleep cause idk how long you heathens are gonna be up

ekaspbrak: same

mikeyhanlon: same

silverdenbrough: i'd say same but i like watching richie get bullied by stan

trashmouthtozier: ooo billy i didn't know you were a sadist

silverdenbrough: ok nvm same gn

boy fest / losers club gcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora