Chapter 1

38 3 4

Nescafé lid twist open put in cup stir mix bitter taste nice drink hungry? Food buy eat sandwich Fatter and fat no . Skinny👁️👄👁️ see mirror cry jumping jacks Chloe ting weight?lost
Skinny bitch.sleepy school bitter coffee nescafé open put in cup drink sugar add sweet no bitter milk low fat
.school boring want drink.canteen no coffee.thirsty no water go toilet drink
Nice refreshing hungry go canteen sandwich eat no coffee sedd money alot order coffee math start coffee no where find ring coffee come run to class teacher angry but coffee got so happy no sad math fun learn spelling go home open fridge find sandwich eat no nescafé hungry thirsty and sad
See brother run naked in diaper 16 birthday tmr run with brother because happy . Call friend invite party no like go because house ugly cry call other friend she die mother hospital oh no I like coffee but no more kitchen got food on floor eat food floor sandwich got green color don't know why eat taste bitter snadwich bitter remind of coffee I happy again.tomorrow I wake up I see brother jump bed happy  it birthday me today I see watch time school go oh no late go school teacher smile because my bday? No I smile she shout angry me late run go toilet cry.why cry always birthday

CoffeeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz