" They were friends in the past, she won't believe you " he said as I grip the rein.

" I have to try Gene and I need your help for that, she's my only hope " I said, he sighs and look up at me.

" I'll go find Mariko " he said.

" Thanks brother " I snap the rein hard and the horse starts running.

~ Time Skip ~

Y/n's pov.  

Tying the horse rein on the fence and walk down the path of the garden. It's where Dante and I go with the others if we have a plan. Now it's just a peaceful area to relax.

Walking on the pebble path next to the bushes of berries, I pick one and eat it. The sweet juice spread in my mouth, I forgot how sweet berries are.

I made it to the center of the garden where there's a gazebo. I notice a guy with jet black hair and silver grey eyes, with a crown on his head, he's just sitting there reading a book.

Must be a royal visiting Tu'la.

I turn away and head to the other direction when,

" Hey " I stop in my tracks and I sighed.

" Please be quick " I mutter and turn around.

I approach him.

" Should I be saying Your Highness or something else? " I asked, he raise a brow as he close his book.

" I'm Ein, have a seat " he said.

I place my hand on the table, sliding on the surface as I sit down on the chair in front of him.

" Y/n " I said.

" What a girl like you doing here alone? " He asked.

" You didn't answer my question first " I said.

" Prince of Zivaria, Ein Clarkson " he said.

" I was the princess of Avalon, Y/n L/n "

" You don't look like a princess, you don't even dress like one " he said.

" I said 'was', pay attention " I quote.

" Why is that? " He asked.

" Avalon was attacked two years ago without warning, my brother and I are the only survivors " I said.

" So where is your brother? " He asked.

" He's multitasking, I'm just here to take fresh air " I said.

" Your eyes are bloodshot, seems like you've been crying " he said.

" I was accused of something in the past about what I didn't do and lost this particular person's trust in the process of my grief " I said.

" This person must be important to you " he said, I nodded.

" Yes, I just don't know how to face him like we used to. . .when we met I kinda acted cold and that hurt my feelings " I said.

" I've lost someone's trust too " he said.

" You did? " I asked.

" I found my way to move forward " he said.

" How? " I asked.

He slides the book on the table to me.

" Reading? " I asked.

" Sometimes when your interested in the book your mind wonders what will happen next and don't think of what's happening around you " he said.

I bite my bottom lip.

" Your mind is not balanced " he said.

" What does balance have to do with this? " I asked.

" From the looks of it, your still grieving, you haven't found the one thing you need to hold on " he said.

" What if the thing I need to hold on is a person? " I asked.

" Don't get ahead of yourself " he said and take back the book.

" We don't know what the future holds " he said and lean back.

" Why are you alone here?, Shouldn't you be with your personal servant? " I asked.

" I wanted to be left alone, this place is peaceful " he said.

" Does the king know you're here? " I asked.

" I'm not here from a task, I'm just here so I can relax instead an earful of mother's lecture about manners " he said, I chuckled.

" Ein " I turn to my left and see Dante approaching.

" Dante, what brings you here? " Ein asked.

" I'm actually here for Y/n, I see you two met each other "

" Y/n? "

" Me? "

" If you'll excuse us " Dante gesture his head for me to follow.

I stood up and curtsy to Ein.

" I'll take my leave " I said when Dante grab my arm.

We walk down the path as Dante hold me, we turn a corner and lost sight of Ein.

" Let go of me! " I try to pry my hands of but he just grips me.

" I have to bring you somewhere " he said.

" Where? " I asked.

" Just listen to me " he said.

" Why are you doing this? " I asked.q

" I need you to calm down " he said and we arrived at our horses.

" No! " I yank my arm and he stands there with his back facing me.

" Why are you doing this after everything I've done? " I asked.

" If you wanted to tell me that you hate then you don't have to, because I know you do "

" Y/n, you really didn't think I'd give up? " He asked.

" Really?, It doesn't look like it when you left me by saying nothing! " I shout as tears stream down my cheeks.

He turns around to me with tears in his eyes, it's when he walk up to me and wrap his arms around me.

" What are you doing?, Let go of me! " I said as I squirming around.

" No matter what you say, I won't leave you! " he said.

" Let go of me! " I start hitting his back with my fist.

" I already did that once, I will never let you go again " he cries.

" Do you know what you're saying?! " Tears stream down my cheeks more.

" Listen to me! " He pulls me apart by grabbing my shoulder and we both look at each others teary eyes.

I clench my fist and jaw.

" You have me wrong " I furrow my eyebrows.

" I never stopped loving you "

Soldier, poet, king.



~ Mariko

Never【Dante X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now