Chapter 10

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Packing the last box into my truck I heave out a sigh. I hate moving, I've had the luxury of staying in one place for too many years. Now it feels like hell moving out of my old house, while there aren't all that many memories that make me blissfully happy. I'm still disappointed in leaving the place. I put so much time and love into working on it, it sucks having to leave. I haven't put in nearly enough work into my other house. So now I'm pretty much going to be sleeping out of my truck.

Maybe I just need to suck it up and ask for Ezekial's help. I know he said that he'd help out in any way he could, including getting my house livable. I just don't want him to think I'm using him. We started dating not all that long ago, I'm not really looking to be the needy girlfriend who can't leave her boyfriend alone. Do I think he'll have an issue? No, it almost seems like he enjoys it when I go to him, asking for help. I chuckle shaking my head, maybe it's the alpha male in him, who knows.

"Well I'm all moved out. I'm passing this gem on to you two." Abe looks at me, shaking his head. Missy gives me a smile.

"Thank you Kimmy, I'm happy that you let us buy it off of you!" I shrug, it saved us all the trouble of going through a real estate agent, and got a fair deal on both ends.

"Not a problem, I'm glad it gets to stay in the family. I hope you guys don't mind, but I really need to go find a place to unload all of this stuff." Abe nods looking over my truck.

"Do you want any help?" I shake my head walking towards the drivers side door.

"No thank you, I'll probably just call Ezekial for some help. Feed him dinner afterwards. I need to get something figured out about the house. With the sanctuary open and running, I can focus on bringing in help. To get the place situated. I don't exactly want to spend my nights in my truck or in the break room." I shrug at him, Abe nods waving at me, Missy following suit. Pulling out the driveway I can't help but feel lighter, I finally have two less stresses to worry about. This past weekend was my final day at the clinic thankfully.

I don't think I could've handled much more burning the candle at both ends, or maybe every edge. I was seriously starting to doubt myself and my life choices, it was sucking really bad. Dialing Zeke's number I listen as it rings. Praying that he answers, I really don't want to be dealing with this all by myself. Realistically I should've asked earlier when I last talked to him, not just surprise him with a menial task. I should probably get better with this dating thing. I shake my head hanging up the phone when it goes to voicemail. If he didn't answer then I don't need to leave a message.

It was purely wishful thinking on my part. It's been a while since I was able to get out to the house on the property. I'm not really sure where I'm supposed to put any of this stuff. I don't want it inside while someone is working on it. Let's not give myself more work to do. Since it's Sunday and the Sanctuary is closed I can head straight back to the house and put all of my attention there. Ezekial, or Zeke as I've started calling him. Had the brilliant idea to instal cameras at the entrance so I can see when someone comes onto the property.

He is always thinking ahead, coming up with great ideas. It's almost strange to say that in the short time we've been dating, I've completely fallen for him and his slightly strange qualities. There's something unique and different about him, I just don't know what it is. It calls to a part of me that has apparently lay dormant within me for my whole life. I shake my head at the thought, pulling up to the house I pause seeing the door hanging wide open. This isn't good, my heart starts to race as I grab my phone just as it rings. Glancing at the caller ID I realize it's Zeke.

"Hey sorry for missing your call. I'm at your place waiting, did you just pull up?" I feel my shoulders drop as I hear his words. I'm thankful that it's him inside and not some stranger.

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