Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

It pained her greatly not to have him with her on her wedding day. But he had said it was for the best. Still telling her to keep her faith and their family a secret.

He pulled her from him, "Katherine, listen to me. Please, there is no time...I came as soon as I knew for certain. You must tell the King that his life is in danger."

She shook her head, "No, you must be mistaken."

"Two of the guards plan to assassinate him at the reception today. They plan to poison him through his drink. Please, trust me and tell him. If you care for him even a little, then go to him now and warn him."

"What are their names?"

* * * *

"Meet me in my study in five minutes." The click told Maxwell the call was over. He set the receiver back in its cradle, gathered up his notes, and headed to the King's study.

He had been running around none stop since the engagement was announced. At least today was the day. No more of this nonsense. They would be married and they would live happily ever after. At least he hoped they would.

He couldn't blame the King for being nervous. This was the first time he was getting married because he wanted to. He tapped on the door, waited for clearance, then entered.

Alexander was pacing the floor. He glanced at his watch and then out the window, resting his hands on his waist. "Maxwell, I think I may throw up."

Maxwell grinned and placed his notes down on the desk. Nearing the mini bar, he placed ice cubes in a glass and popped open a can of ginger ale. It fizzed and sizzled as he poured it over the ice.

He handed it to the King, "This might calm your stomach down."

Alexander glanced down and took the glass, "Thank you."

He took a long swig, sighed, and used his empty hand to massage his temples, "I don't know why I'm so nervous. It's not like I haven't done this before."

Maxwell nodded and picked up his notepad and pen, "Sure...but this is the first time you've been in love with your bride, so you're allowed to be a little nervous."

The study door opened abruptly. In walked Katherine. Alexander looked shocked then covered his eyes with his hand, "Katherine! We're not supposed to see each other until the wedding."

Tears swelled in her eyes, "Alex..."

His brow creased at her tone. Uncovering his eyes, he assessed her. Sitting his glass down, he neared her, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I've just learned from the head guard, Mark, that two of your guards are planning to assassinate you at our reception. They plan to poison you!"

He shook his head in disbelief, "How does he know this?"

"He overheard them plotting against you. He came to me because he knew you would trust me with the truth."

"Did he say who they were?"

She nodded, "Ben and Terrance."

Alexander turned to Maxwell, "Check into this." He nodded and exited the room.

The King turned to Katherine and embraced her, "I will not let anyone harm you, I promise. I will protect you 'till my last breath."

She shook her head, "No one is trying to hurt me...they're trying to hurt you. Promise me no one will hurt you."

He wished he could promise her that...but truth was he couldn't. Not honestly. He wasn't at all sure that someone couldn't hurt him if they truly wanted to. His life had been based on trusting others to protect him...but what was he supposed to do when those responsible for protecting him were the ones wanting to hurt him?

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