Chapter Six

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Rising from her bed the next morning, Katie stretched and wondered to the window. It was a beautiful fall day. The fog resting on the mountain top from the view of her window looked as though the mountain reached into the clouds.

She smiled and wondered if the king had such a view. Surely he did and yet she wondered if he ever took advantage of it. She would love nothing more than to sit on a balcony and enjoy the view with a cup of coffee, wrapped in a warm blanket.

A soft tap on her door caused her to turn just as a paper was slid under her door. It was the schedule of the day. This morning they would be meeting the press, followed by a day at the races and finally ending with the opening and tour of the new wing of the children's hospital.

Sighing, she took a deep breath. It would be an interesting day. She glanced down at the handwritten note at the bottom of the page:

Miss Katherine,

Please dress warmly. Today is quite chilly. Also, a hat would be appropriate at the races. Don't worry about a thing! You are doing great! If you need anything, I won't be far.

~ Maxwell

She was grateful that he was looking out for her. He was a kind man. She wondered if the King knew what a treasure he had in Maxwell's friendship. Loyally is hard to find and Maxwell wrote the book on loyally. He was completely devoted to the King. She admired that.

After she was dressed, she stepped out into the hall and stood there with the other contestants that were sizing each other up. She smiled as she saw Jackie across from her and greeted her, "Good morning, Jackie!"

She smiled, "Good morning!" Glancing down the hall she placed a finger over her lips, telling Katherine to be silent. Katherine glanced down the hall, wondering why.

Suddenly, she saw the reason. It was the King himself, walking down between the ladies standing on either side of the hall. "Good morning, ladies." Collectively they greeted him, "Good morning, Your Majesty."

As he passed by, each of them performed a deep curtsy. He kept walking forward until he reached Katherine. She curtsied deeply.

He paused for only a moment — just until she made eye contact with him and he gave her a soft smile. Then he continued on and disappeared around the corner.

Jackie rushed over to her and squeezed her arm, "Oh I'd say he fancies you, Katie!"

Katherine smiled, "You think so?" Jackie gave her a knowing look, "Trust me, dear. When a man looks at you, that way, he has more on his mind that wishing you good morning."

Maxwell appeared where the King had disappeared and clapped his hands for attention, "Good morning, ladies! Follow me to the press hall. You will each be selected to have a few moments alone with the press. Then we head to the races."

One by one they entered the room, and one by one they returned. The press never taking more than five minutes with each. Finally, it was Katherine's turn. Maxwell ushered her through the door and her pulse took a leap. He whispered, "Wear an invisible crown." She drew in a deep breath and smiled as she entered the press hall.

About a dozen photographers and another dozen reporters stood there. Looking bored and stiff. Once they caught eyes on her, however their demeanor suddenly changed and they appeared to her more like a pack of wolves ready to devour their lunch than a group of people ready to ask questions.

She smiled, nevertheless. One asked, "May we have your name?"

"I'm Katherine. But most people call me Katie." They chuckled, amused.

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