Another asked, "We have been told that the King asked you personally to join the competition. Is that true? And if so, why you? Isn't your previous occupation a — maid?"

She could feel they were looking for her to get angry with them. Instead, she straightened her shoulders and smiled again, causing her features to soften. "Yes, the King did ask through correspondent that I join the pageant, however, I have yet to meet him. I believe the King is very wise and saw that the people need a Queen that can understand them in a way he cannot. My previous occupation enabled me to see firsthand the needs of the people."

They seemed unarmed and pleased. As though they were unaccustomed to hearing someone say they believed the King was searching for a way to better understand his people.

"One last question. The law states that even a King cannot brake a law or erase it. Say the King finds or passes a law himself that he wishes to have removed. Though knowing the law, he cannot. What would you have him do?"

She searched within her heart for the answer and said a silent prayer.

Finally, she spoke, "The law is the law and it cannot be changed; however, I would encourage the King to write a new one — an amendment. A clause for the first law, that would allow him to invoke changes as he sees fit."

They seemed impressed and murmured among themselves. Finally, one spoke, "May I just say, on behalf of all of us — you gave the most knowledgeable and caring answers of any contestant we've heard today."

She thanked them and retreated out the door, where Maxwell was awaiting her. Beaming. "You did extremely well. The King and I were quite pleased."

She questioned, "The King and you? You were listening?"

He nodded, "We were in the other room, there is a small mic that let us hear the conversations. The King wanted to hear each of your responses, and he also wanted to make sure the press was not to forward. Hurry now, we have very little time to get you to the races."

* * * *

She felt as if she was in a whirlwind, it was as if she had barely blinked and the races were over and off they were again headed for Children's Hospital

Maxwell hadn't been around much, as far as she could see anyway. But he did pass her on the way to her limousine and slipped a note in her hand. Finally, alone, she opened it:

Miss Katherine,

The King is quite pleased with your performance today. He has had me make arrangements for you to stand beside him when he opens the new wing today. Though the two of you will still not be able to speak. He wanted the opportunity to allow the press to see you both together.

~ Maxwell

Stepping out of the vehicle she drew in a shaky breath. He wanted her to be beside him. That was sure to make waves with the rest of women and she wasn't at all sure that was a wise thing. She was already seen as a treat to most of them once they discovered that the King had asked for her personally.

A guard came and escorted her through the growing crowd that had gathered to see the King. Also, she assumed, to get a closer view of any potential Queen in their midst.

The King stood before a large red ribbon and beside him sat a small lad in a wheelchair with a pair of particularly grand golden scissors, nearly the same size as him, in his lap.

Katherine was ushered to the other side of the King. She smiled at the boy, who's chest was puffed up from sheer pride in being able to assist the King.

Alexander dropped his head in Katherine's direction and gave her half a smile. Pleased that she was beside him.

He addressed the crowd and press:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure be here today to open to this new wing. It is my hope that it may it bring healing and comfort to any and all who enter its walls, though I sincerely hope there shan't be need for it."

Turning to the young boy, he asked, "Would you be willing to assist me, Tommy?"

Tommy grinned widely, displaying several missing teeth, "It would be my pleasure, Your Majesty!"

Together they each took a handle and cut the ribbon. A roar of applause was heard and the camera's flashed. A reporter asked if the King would pose for a photograph with Tommy and Katherine.

Turning to Katherine, he extended his hand for her. As she drew near, he carefully slid his left hand around her waist and the other hand on Tommy's shoulder.

Katherine's lungs stalled as she felt the warmth of his skin through the fabric of her dress. His touch was gentle, yet firm. However, as soon as the photograph was taken, his hand was withdrawn and the guard from earlier ushered her away.

A sadness coursed through her, she had hoped they might speak. Maxwell had said they wouldn't, but still, she had hoped they would. They had finally touched and yet never met. She sighed as she retreated back into her limousine. Was it always to be this way?

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