3// No More Murders JD.

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Mama, I'm in love with a criminal, and this type of love isn't rational it's physical... well yes I am in love with a criminal and his name is Jason Dead or JD for short. Omgggg I never usually get crushes but young Christian Slater 🥵 I started writing this on Tuesday 9th of June 2020 at 2 am because I'm stupid 🏳️‍🌈💞

Pre warning the point of view will constantly change. (Just finished writing at 3 am on June 12 haha)

Veronica's p.o.v

This is so messed up. I just murdered my best friend. I just sobbed and sobbed into JD's shoulder until I couldn't cry anymore. I got a really bad headache from crying so much and it made me dizzy. "JD?" I look up at him, my eyes not focusing on him. "Yes? Are you alright?" He put his hand against my burning skin, "You are hot." I think he was concerned but I couldn't see his facial expression. "Yeah- I'm fine, I just don't want to go back home-" I coughed and held my head. "Why not, you can't wear my clothes forever but you do look amazing in them if I do say so myself." He rubs circles into my back. "My parents hate me, I'm not the perfect daughter they want." I cried into his stomach. He stroked my hair and let me cry it out. "Well you can live here, we can get your things." He suggested enthusiastically. I smiled and nodded.

We ended up falling asleep in each other's arms, I didn't stop having nightmares at what we did, I don't think I will ever stop getting nightmares.

I open my eyes to get up to go for a shower. I was already light-headed from last nights crying session. I kiss JD and when I stood up I saw black. "Veron-" is all I heard.

JD's p.o.v.

I feel Veronica kiss me. I wake up yawning and when I looked over at her I watched Veronica stumble and her swaying before she went down. "Veronica!" I rush and catch her. She's burning hot. I check to see if she is breathing which she was and I put her in the recovery position (fun fact I'm first aid trained, I learnt when I was 10/11 😂). I open the window and turn on the fan to make sure that it was cooler when she wakes up. I grab the thermometer and a bottle of water, I also slowly take her blazer off and unbuttoning her top buttons.

Veronica's p.o.v.

I wake up on my left side confused. I try and sit up but JD refused. "Are you still dizzy and lightheaded?" He asked me as he put the thermometer in my mouth. I nodded slightly and he laid me down on my back and then lifted my legs up. I feel my skirt slowly falling down to my chest as I try and cover myself. JD watched me still a bit uptight. I take the thermometer out my mouth at it read 39.8°c (103.6°f). He kept my legs up in the air and takes the thermometer from me. I do start to feel better. "I feel a bit better now." I smile at him. "You have a fever so maybe you should take it easy." He let my legs fall and he helped me sit up, giving me the water bottle. "What about my things?" I look at him biting my lip. "I will go get them tonight. When your parents are sleep I will climb through the window and grab everything." JD smirked at me.

I get up with the help of JD and walk down the stairs hand in hand with him. His father was still in bed so we could enjoy eating breakfast alone. I make us pancakes, nothing special really. I could feel him watching me, it was a little uncomfortable but I don't mind really. I set the plate in front of him and I sit down on the chair opposite him. I eat slowly looking down at my plate, I feel nervous when I am around him, my stomach feels like is twisted into knots. I look up to see him eating his pancakes but staring back into my eyes. "I'm sorry but what happened earlier I am a little scared of it happening again." He put a hand on my thigh which made my stomach churn even more. I barely ate any of my breakfast and I just gave it to him, he just ate it without complaining. Once he had finished I took our plates and washed them up. I turn to see him looking me up and down. I walk over to him and peck him on the lips. I start to walk away but he pulled me back and we started kissing. He put his hands on the back of my thighs and pulls me onto his lap when we were interrupted by his dad.

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