Alec smiles and holds Noah's hand "no one you need to worry about, he is my ex his name is Magnus" "do you guys-" "nope he left me... I'm over him and he is also arent you" Alec says looking at Magnus with a glare.

Magnus knew he shouldn't be doing this but now seeing Alec he had to fight he had to let Alec know how he felt "no I'm not I still love you Alexander please I want another chance" Magnus says almost pleading

"My name isn't Alexander, you are the one who left me I'm happy now I'm in love and you need to leave me alone while I'm here" Alec says before he pulls Noah to the dance floor and handing Noah his drink "can we not talk about that?" "Of course love no questions let's just enjoy our night" Noah says smiling happily as he starts dancing with Alec.

About 30 minutes later

Magnus stumbles over to Alec now very drunk and not thinking about anything but getting to Alec and kissing him. Magnus smiles and starts dancing with Alec "hello Alexander" Magnus slurrs in Alec's ear "leave him I know you still love me" "Magnus don't, you are drunk and I'm over it okay just....let me be over you I worked so hard so so hard to get over you just let me be happy"

Magnus was behind Alec dancing with him so he leans over and kisses Alec's neck, he had loved the sounds Alec would make when he kissed his neck they sounded so heavenly "Alexander" Magnus purrs "don't lie and say you don't still love me you know I'll be the only one you'll love the way you did give me another chance I know you want too"

Alec was trying so hard not to break down he had wished for Magnus to kiss him again but now that it was happening he wanted it to stop. Alec needed to get Magnus out of the club get him home somewhere where he had people watching him even if it would be hard on him. "Magnus we can talk in the morning but you need to get home I'll take you we can go home together okay let me find Noah and tell him just stop kissing me"

Magnus pouts "but Alexander I know you like it, remember when we were together you would beg that I would kiss and suck on your neck do you still like when I do it. And I dont wanna go homeeee" Magnus says starting to suck on Alec's most sensitive spot

"Magnus stop let's go" Alec says pulling away from Magnus and grabbing his waist to keep him up and not falling as he looks around for Noah. Alec spots Noah and starts walking over to him with Magnus "hey baby um I need to take Magnus home he cant take himself can you take a cab I'll make up for it tonight promise I love you" "I love you too and yeah but you owe me an icecream just come home I'll meet you there". Once Alec makes sure to kiss Noah goodbye he was trying to get Magnus into the car which was harder than he thought it would be.

"Noooooo I dont wannaaaaa I wanna dance yeah let's dance you were never good though I remember when we would try my feet hurt for days but I loved it" Magnus says hanging out of the car and laughing he was buckled in the car but he wouldn't get in fully

"Magnus just put your body in the car so we can get you home please" "NOOOOO" Alec sighs and pushes Magnus into the car and quickly closes it and locks the door so Magnus couldn't get out. Alec gets in after unlocking the car and quickly locks it again

Alec starts driving Magnus home and finally they get there and who would've guessed getting Magnus out was just as difficult as getting him in. "Noooo Alexander I wanna stay with you dont leave meeeee" Alec gets out the car and walks to Magnus side opening it and unbuckling Magnus. "We need to get you inside okay you are too drunk and I dont trust you being outside".

Magnus pouts and stays in the car "so I have to lift you out i will lift you out Magnus please just work with me" "NOOOO" Alec picks Magnus up somehow and walks inside the house. Magnus looks at Alec who was carrying him and smiles as he giggles "my prince charming" "Magnus" Alec says as a warning and then Magnus kisses Alec and Alec eyes widen. Alec puts Magnus down and pulls away from the kiss "let's get you in something comfortable, get you water, and get you to sleep"

"You sleeping with me?" Magnus asks smiling as he stumbles his way to the kitchen grabbing a glass and bumps into a vase breaking it. Alec walks to the kitchen and sees Magnus trying to clean it with his hands "STOP" Alec says before he sighs and grabs the glass filling it with water as he looks for the ibuprofen. Alec walks Magnus over to the couch making sure he wouldn't hurt himself more or fall, why was he taking care of his ex he didnt know.

Alec sits Magnus down and gives him the water and the pill "take that and do. not. move" Alec says before he walks to the kitchen and cleans up the glass when Alec goes to take Magnus upstairs he sees sleeping Magnus and he lets out an almost relieved sigh "fuck I I dont, no I dont" Alec says as he walks outside locking the door behind him "I. Do. Not. Love. Magnus. Why do I do this to myself" Alec groans as he gets a headache and run his hands through his hair getting into his car and driving home.

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