Chapter 6

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Bukky’s Pov: PS: Florence is a kdrama fan.

Bukky’s brother has been dead for about six months, isn’t that enough time for a girl to mourn her girlfriend? She’s not a permanent family member and what else, they are still teenager. They are still at the early stage of their life.

“Why should she not have a birthday party? It’s been about six months Bankole died, it’s not like she’s his mother or sister and she’s still young to put her life on hold” Bukky told Florence reasonably.

“I know she’s not his mother or sister but” Florence signed “What?” Bukky asked

“It’s just there is this Korean drama I watched, the boy died and the girl didn’t stop loving him and he’s around to save her from danger” Florence answered with awn

“So, if I’m getting you, you’re comparing real life, Debby’s life to a Korean drama?” Bukky’s statement came out as a question, she realized Florence is a kdrama fan which explains her reaction.

It took about ten minutes of intense conversation to convince Florence that Debby throwing a birthday party is not a mortal sin

“That’s why Nigerians don’t find true love” Florence concluded, then she asked “How did you know that BANKY died about six months ago?”

Bukky froze. “You told me” she lied hoping Florence won’t notice.

“Okay, what are you wearing to the birthday?” Florence asked

“What? You’re going?” Bukky asked a little bit surprised
“Yes, everyone is going, you’re going right?” Florence asked.
“Yes, I will be going but I don’t have what to wear” Bukky answered

“So, shopping after school today?” she asked Florence. “Yes”

Toby was staring at Bukky across the cafeteria and he asked Michael “Isn’t she beautiful?”

“it depends on who” replied Michael

Toby rolled his eyes “I meant Bukky”

“Oh, the new girl, she’s okay her nose is cute” Michael replied.
“Why do you always look at every girl’s body in detail?” Toby asked because he had always wondered, Michael is the only boy he knew that that knows how a girl’s face is, skin tone, how she walks, female clothing, cosmetics, jewelry basically everything that makes a woman, that’s why he is every girl’s favorite.

“I don’t know; it’s fascinating” Michael replied.

“As fascinating as it might be, please do not check my girl out” Toby answered.

“Well, you were the one who asked me the question and I answered” Michael countered. Toby nods in agreement

“By the way, I’m thinking of asking Bukky if I can pick her to the party?” Toby asked

“I don’t know man; I have only talked to the girl like one time” Michael replied.

“Talk to who?” Shola asked as she came over to their table but nobody answered “seriously, you guys won’t answer. Okay, I’ll find out my way, where is Tito and Kels?”

“Tito must be somewhere causing trouble and Kels must be somewhere being alone” Michael replied

“So, are we still on today? You promised to come with us?” Shola asked Michael “Yes” Michael replied.
Toby stood up and he was going towards Bukky’s table while Shola held his arm “Toby, I came to see you”
Toby took a deep breath and turned to Shola “What is it?”

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