*bell rings*

Teacher- Let's all get to class

a- Hey umm, can I walk you to class? Pls?
J- sure, why not?

We both started walking to class for history, and what a coincidence ale had history class with me too. As that was over we went to lunch, same as always but this time me and ale just hang with each other alone, we began talking and having somethings that were common, like he loves to skate so do I, he loves to play games and same to me, who knew?

Anyways after walking from lunch together we had to go separate ways cause he had writing and I had math which is something I hate.

School was over and practice been canceled, ale asked if he can walk me home but I told him that I dont live with my dad anymore. we walked anyway.

a- So, how come you dont live with your dad anymore?
J- Cause.. Nevermind.
a- hey cmon tell me..
J- *sighs* he cheated on my mom and hit her. Well push her actually then smacked her.
a- he's an ass, sorry.
J- Dont be..
a- You hate your dad?
J- Why not? He never has time for me, he nevers shows up to my birthday mostly, and never been here for me and my mom for holidays, same excuses of "Late night shifts" *scoffs* yeah right.
a- Sorry you and your mom put up with his shit.
J- Its aight I mean, life goes on right?
a- Not always.
J- mmm.
a- *chuckles*
J- *chuckles softly*

We walked past my house and just kept on walking towards my grandma's house, finally we made it. Been like fewer blocks but whatever, after that I told bye to ale and he did the same, walked towards the door and opened it.

J- Grandma! Mom! I'm home from school!

Something smells good, I walked towards the kitchen and saw my mom cooking

J- hey mom, what's for dinner?
Mrs.Cortez- chicken, rice, Green beans and some leftover ribs.
J- yum. I'll be upstairs doin homework.
Mrs.Cortez- okay sweetie, but dont make to much noise your grandma is sleeping
J- okay mom.

Right now I just walked upstairs to my room to do my homework.

( 20 mins later)

20 mins past and I'm on to my last homework which is history *pffts* already know my answer, right now I got a text from an unknown person

Unknown person

Hey cutie, wyd?

Who's this?

It's me alejandro

Nah you ain't

I am.

Say sum that only ale knows

Lol okay?
When we first met you said when you was late and I corrected you with the word fuck but you told me that you were technically young like 13 😂

Haha yeah it's you.

lol told you.
Anyways hbu?

Good I guess

You sure?


Oh well, if you want we can FaceTime

Yeah we can do that.


And nun just been doin my homework


Haha shut up🙄😂

nah you

nah you

nah you cutie

Awweh thank you cutie

Hey rn I gotta go my mom is calling me to dinner but we can facetime later.

Cutie bet.
( Read 5:14)

Right now my mom called me for dinner so right now, I went to my grandma room and told her that dinner was ready and helped her up.

We ate and then I went upstairs to facetime alejandro.

We were done and said goodbye I hung up, took a shower and putted on my pjs.

We were done and said goodbye I hung up, took a shower and putted on my pjs

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Well it was 10:25, I went to bed

Author: aight I'ma make more of this and "his little girl" and etc stay tune

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Author: aight I'ma make more of this and "his little girl" and etc stay tune.

The Angel in a Devil's eye. ❤⚘ // FanFic alejandro vargas jr. //Where stories live. Discover now