Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, Kate, Bugs, Love, Miki, Inori, and Chiffon had just come as it was very dark, but being Vegas, people were still active and out late. "There's gotta be 314 hotels and 142 casinos in Las Vegas," Kate sounded exhausted as she drove them. "We are never gonna find that duck." Suddenly, Daffy ended up on their windshield. Bugs chuckled. "Daff never misses a cue." DJ grabbed Daffy and yanked him like he was fresh laundry and sorted him out and shoved him into the car. "What's up, duck?" Bugs smirked. "Don't you start with me!" Daffy growled. "Excuse me" DJ got the driver's attention, but he realized who it was. "You!" "You!" Kate yelled back. "You!" Daffy pointed to Bugs. "Him!" Bugs pointed back. "Her!" Daffy pointed back. "Them!" Bugs and Daffy added together. "What are you all doing here?" Setsuna asked as she soon saw who was in the car. "We came all the way here to look for you, Tarte, and Daffy" Love explained. "You are in big trouble!" Kate firmly told DJ, Daffy, Setsuna, and Tarte. "What did I do!?" Tarte yelped.

Suddenly, the car went off again after DJ, Setsuna, and Tarte got inside. Tarte jumped to Love, feeling very great to see her again. It was just another crazy car chase with the NASCAR behind the true spy car. Daffy kept trying to shove Bugs out. "What're you doing?" Kate glared at DJ as he drove the car. "Kidnapping me and these kids!? Stop the car!" "So, what brings you to Las Vegas?" DJ made mock conversation. "They run out of people to fire in LA?" "You stole my duck!" Kate seethed. "Your duck?" Daffy scoffed. "I belong to the world!" "You know what?" DJ rolled his eyes. "You can have him!" The NASCAR was beside them now and the stronger toon guy had lit a match and was going to make them crash and literally burn. "Dynamite?" Kate noticed what he was doing. "Who has dynamite!?" Daffy rolled his eyes at her reaction. "Welcome to my world." "Get us away from the bad guys!" Inori said. "Hang on!" DJ told them all and made a sharp turn, making them all flop in the car slightly. Then he turned them backwards and drove quickly in reverse as several cars were trying to avoid hitting him and honking their horns. Chiffon began to cry loudly as she wasn't enjoying all this sudden motion. "There, there, Chiffon" Miki cooed to the baby fairy. DJ finally turned the car forward and they all got up from the insane car trip so far.

The NASCAR was now in front of them. "Didn't he used to be behind us?" Setsuna asked. DJ drove the car again as Bugs and Daffy wrote out their last will and testaments. Chiffon cried even louder and almost everyone was covering their ears. "Do something about that baby!" Daffy yelled. "How can we when we're in the middle of a car chase?!" Love yelled back. DJ didn't realize until it was too late that they were about to crash right in front of a wall with no way to get out. They had faced a dead-end. "Um, all who do not want to hit that wall, say 'aye'." Bugs suggested after seeing the wall. "AYE!" Everybody else yelled. "Mother..." Daffy mumbled. 'Taking you to Mother!' the car said. Suddenly, there were jet engines in the car and they rose the vehicle to fly in the air. As they were in the air, Yosemite Sam flew through the air too after an explosion. "Look, a shooting star!" Bugs called. "Quick, everybody make a wish!" He shut his eyes tight in silence. "Ya know... I'm beginnin' to think that this is the spy car." Daffy said to everyone, much to their annoyance as they flew through the air. Chiffon was still crying, so Love unbuckled the baby seat and gently rocked Chiffon in her arms. The baby quickly calmed down and "What was with those guys anyways?" Inori asked, referring to the bad guys that were chasing them. "Well, their leader was Yosemite Sam. What do you expect?" Miki shrugged, knowing how much he was an enemy for Bugs and Daffy, but mostly Bugs. Kate looked out the window and could see that they were even higher than an airplane at their height. "So what is your plan now, if I may ask?" Kate glared at DJ. "Daffy will save us. He's the hero~" Bugs acted like a damsel swooning, over the black duck. "Alright, buck tooth, stick a carrot in it." Daffy said, shoving Bugs off of him. "Hey everyone, don't panic, alright, I can handle this." DJ said before pulling the gear shift. "I don't think you should have done that." Miki said, having a feeling that they were going to fall.

Suddenly, the jet engines stopped and they were zooming down from the air. Everybody screamed since it was highly unlike to survive a car crash from 90 feet in the air. Bugs screamed too hard and couldn't do it anymore. Then he freshened his breath and continued with the others. "Sell my Warner Brothers stock!" Daffy called into a cell phone. "I got an inside tip that Bugs Bunny is about to die!" "Is this really a good time to do that, duck?!" Tarte asked out of annoyance. The car kept falling, but it actually hovered inches above the ground now. They were all squashed together now and in the middle of the desert. "Huh... Out of gas..." Bugs noticed. "Whew!" Love and her friends said in unison. However, about a minute later, they all crashed down, but luckily, no one was hurt. "Well guys" DJ looked to everybody. "We better set up camp for the night. We'll need a fire and some sleeping bags." "And carrots." Bugs said as he put one of his carrots through a stick like a marshmallow or a weenie. They began to start a campfire and brought out sleeping bags. Miki fed Chiffon her milk. "Carrot?" Bugs offered to Daffy after he put his vegetable in the fire. "No thanks." Daffy scoffed. "Mind if I sleep next to you?" Setsuna asked her boyfriend. "I would love nothing more" Daffy smiled. "Stay warm for the night, guys" Love told them. "I heard that it gets freezing in the desert at night." DJ looked at the card and wondered how it would help him find his father. "You really think that playing card is gonna help you rescue your father?" Kate scoffed. "Yeah, I do..." DJ nodded, he knew it sounded strange, but it had to mean something. "I have a feeling there's more to that card than we think there is." Inori said. "Maybe, but let's get some sleep for now." said Miki.

Daffy and Bugs had little arguments about their deals back home and how Daffy didn't want to come back since Bugs was loved by everybody and he was unloved. Bugs could see how that would upset Daffy and thought maybe now Warner Brothers was too tough on him. Setsuna put her arm around the black duck. "No matter what anyone else thinks, I'll still love you" she told him. Then she gently kissed his forehead. Daffy's eyes turned into hearts showing that the kiss made him feel much better. "Thank you, Setsuna. You always know how to make me feel better" Daffy smiled before giving his girlfriend a big hug. She hugged him back and they said goodnight to each other before going to sleep.

The next morning, it was blazing hot with the sun out and Kate was on her cell phone. "Oh, God, don't put me on hold!" she cried and she looked very weak and drained. "I can't die out here!" "We're not gonna die, Kate. We just need to come up with a plan" said Love. "That's easier said than done" Kate groaned. It was so hot, Bugs could fry an egg on Daffy's beak. DJ flipped a coin to decide where the group should go and they went south. "Say, who are you kidding here?" Daffy clung to Kate's leg as she forced herself to drag him along the broiling sand. "Water! I can't die now. Think of the millions of children who want me to have the diamond. The poor children!" "I never thought the desert would be this hot. It's ruining my perfect image" Miki panted. "Look at that!" DJ pointed in the distance. Everyone looked and they could've sworn that they saw a Walmart. "Is it a mirage?" Bugs had to ask. "Or just a product placement?" "Who cares!? With shopping convenience at such low prices!" Daffy grew happy and ran over to the shopping place with them. The others decided to just go there. After a little while, they all walked out of the mart, now willing to face the desert. "Nice of Walmart to provide these Walmart beverages in return for saying Walmart so many times." Bugs said as he left with everyone. "How lucky are we?" asked Inori.

Little did everyone know, they were being watched by the villain, Mr. Chairman, who was now frustrated. He was trying to turn off the screen by going through all of the remotes. "WHERE IS YOSEMITE SAM?!" The short rogue villain was hanging from a rope, dangling upside down in front of him. "What is your report?" Mr. Chairman asked firmly. "Boss, it wasn't me" Sam explained to him. "Those razzan-frazzan duck, girl, and ferret, and that crazy son DJ and a humina-humina Dusty Tails!" Mr. Chairman paused, then gave a nod. "You know... Makes a lot of sense. Thank you!" Then he made Yosemite Sam go back up. The others looked slightly horrified of what happened to Yosemite Sam and considered themselves lucky it didn't happen to them. Bob lowered a cage to show Damian Drake in his clutches. "Mr. Drake," Mr. Chairman firmly came to the suspended spy man. "Are you going to save us the bother of eliminating your son?" "My son is going to kick your evil butt!" Damian snarled. He wanted to strangle him, but the handcuffs in the cage were holding him back. Mr. Chairman laughed as he couldn't he harmed by him. Then they heard a button being pushed. "Mr. Chairman?" an old man queried. "Yes, Dad?" Mr. Chairman answered. "Desert operative." His dad suggested. The others groaned. "Not a bad idea, Dad." Mr. Chairman gave a nod. The others tried to keep positive. "Our desert operative is due for a win." Chairman announced.

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