Chapter 2

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At a cafe, there were various cartoon characters and living humans having lunch. Porky Pig was talking with Speedy Gonzales about how he had to lose his stutter and suddenly wasn't funny, while Shaggy Rogers and Scooby-Doo were talking with actor Matthew Lillard about his acting in the Scooby Doo movie about Spooky Island and they both threatened him about messing up in the upcoming sequel. Bugs, Love, Miki, Inori, and Chiffon were sitting with Kate about the movie script and how they had to move on without Daffy being involved. "So, let's talk about the script, there's no heart no cooperation of words of anything." Kate said. "Daffy learns to not to stick his head into jet engine." Bugs said. "He's gone" Kate shrugged that off. "No, Daffy needs to come back. Without him, there wouldn't even be a 'duck season, wabbit season' gag" Love spoke up. "Oh, he'll be back, he always comes back," Bugs agreed with her. "I just tell him how much I need him. We hug, we cry, I drop something heavy on him, I laugh." "The duck is history, okay? Alright, so the question is, how can I help you re-position your brand entity? Answer: we team you up with a hot female co-star." Kate said to Bugs. "Usually..." Bugs said, before spinning into a tornado and became dressed similarly to Marilyn Monroe, only without singing Happy Birthday to the President or the infamous skirt lift. "I play the female love interest~" Michigan J. Frog stood up from his seat and sang his famous song with his top hat and cane. "Am I the only one who ever felt sorry for that man?" Miki asked, referring to the frog's human co-star who was never believed about the frog's hidden talents. "No, I feel sorry for him too" Inori replied.

"About this cross-dressing thing," Kate scolded Bugs. "In the past: Funny. Today: Disturbing." Bugs shifted back to normal and wiped his ruby lipstick off his muzzle. "Lady, if you don't find a rabbit with lipstick amusing, you and I have nothing to say to each other." "Look, I am trying to be nice, but I was brought in to abridge your century and I am not going to let you, some kid, or some wacky..." Kate said before getting interrupted. "Love and Daffy." Bugs interrupted while eating a carrot. Kate had a little fit about them, then moved on. "It doesn't matter..." "Well, these matter," Bugs said as he took out about five golden Bunny awards, and then lugged out a chunk of the Hollywood Walk of Fame which had his name on it. "And THIS! And they say, we get Daffy back. Right, boys?" The golden awards hopped and cheered to prove his point. "We have to get Daffy back. How do you think the movie's gonna go on without him?" Love glanced at the woman. "Daffy!" Chiffon added. "It'll be fine, trust me." Kate replied strictly, not wanting to bring Daffy back at all. But whether she liked it or not, they were going to be getting Daffy back.

Meanwhile, DJ went back to his house, not knowing he had brought with him two uninviting guests, one of them super annoying and the other dependable. DJ hopped off his motorcycle and he was going to go home to relax. "Little Damian..." a familiar toon old woman smiled as she clipped her hedges. "Hey Granny" DJ smiled, though was very upset on the inside. "Hi, Tweety." "How was work today?" the yellow canary asked politely as he swung in his cage. DJ didn't want to reveal the rotten day he had, so he made up something. "Eventful." he uttered out before going inside. "What a nice young man." Granny smiled as she had accidentally clipped Sylvester's tail off, making her cat sky-rocket in the air. The cat's scream of pain caught Granny's and Tweety's attention as they saw him sky-rocket. DJ went to his front door and unlocked it and went inside. But before he could close it, someone's hand stopped it. DJ turned around and saw Setsuna panting. "Thank goodness I caught up to you...Is Tarte with you?" she said. "He's in my backpack" said DJ. Setsuna unzipped the backpack and took Tarte out. "I've been looking for you" she told him. "Sorry. I just couldn't leave DJ alone" Tarte replied.

DJ kept walking and sighed as he saw a younger portrait of his father, being in yet another spy flick and looking quite charming. He lived in a pretty nice place, mostly due to his father's success in the movies, unlike him. "Guess who?" Daffy popped out from his backpack. "So, did ya miss me?" He kissed DJ right on the cheek and hopped out, exploring the place. "I'm glad I was fired. In a few days, they'll be kissing my befeathered rump begging me to come back. But I won't!" "Daffy, this isn't your house" Tarte told him. "Did you miss the part where I invited you in?" DJ scoffed to the black duck. "I'll be too busy accepting numerous, multiple offers to every studio in town!" Daffy was excited, but then he got glum as he felt his luck just running out within seconds reading the front page of a newspaper. "Who am I kidding? My career is over." "Perhaps I was being too polite." DJ smiled, then opened the door firmly. "GET OUT!" "Daffy, you're not supposed to be here" said Setsuna. "I'll starve, I'll have to eat envelope glue!" Daffy put away the newspaper about him, then went to DJ's aquarium. "Wait, a sushi bar!" He reached his hand in and grabbed one of the fish to eat it right away. DJ gripped Daffy by the throat, reached down and pulled out the fish and put it back. "Daffy?" "Yes...?" "Leave my father's house, NOW!" DJ squashed him flat. The black duck was able to straighten himself out after jumping away from the man and was about to play the piano, but then remembered of what DJ said of who's house this was. "You live with Daddy?" "Yeah, so?" DJ shrugged. "Just... You know... Kind of...Temporarily..." "I've hit rock bottom" Daffy started to bawl. "I'm hanging out with a security guard who lives with his father..." Then he looked around the house and noticed the numerous items of the famed spy actor. "Grease and gravy! Your dad is Damian Drake the super spy?" He played with a framed magnifying glass, but broke it. "He's an actor who plays a spy." DJ scoffed to him and put the award back, angered that it was broken. "And that, was his I-Spy Award." "Yeah Daffy, now we really need to go." Tarte said.

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