Chapter 4

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Storms POV

I didn't get a chance to warn Allan and Ellie when I shifted as a raptor crashes through the glass I roared at him and and raked my talons across his scales causing blood to spill out and drip onto the floor. The raptor screeches and caws dot help I growl and jump on him biting down on his throat silencing him. Another one comes as I jump into the vents turning human and kicking down the ladder that was placed there. We crawl in the vents before lex is pushed up by a raptor and go stuck his head in to find us.

I kick its head and he falls to the ground with a thud. Lex falls but I catch her in time and me and Alan pull her up.


We run down the corridor and into the main room.

It had the skeleton of a t-Rex and another Dino.

I look down and notice something.

"I don't think we should go down there" I point out "well do you have any other idea storm?" Says Allan.

I stay silent and begin to climb down on the skeletons.

I reach the ground and help out Tim son Ellie comes down with us and we make our way to the exit.

But stop when we see a silhouette off one of the raptors.

We run back but we are stopped again by another raptor.

I grip rims hand and run to the t-Rex skeleton as it crumbles to the ground from the wires breaking.

Tom curls up in a ball as it falls on top of us.

I slip out and turn into my dragon form again.

"Storm?!" Says Allan I huff and twist hitting a raptor in the face.

He yelps and jumps on my back, bitting down making me roar out.

I jump up and flap my wings causing him to lose grip and fall down to the ground, I blast at the third raptor as it goes for Allan.

I didn't notice the first raptor jump from the stairs to get to me, until it was too late.

I hit the ground with a loud thump, I growl and try to get the raptor off me.

He cakes at my back and wings, causing one of them to rip and deep cuts to form on my back.

Just as he was about to bite down on my neck he's lifted off me by Rex.

I ket out a happy yip before helping him fight off the raptors.

I see from the corner of my eyes Allan and the others running out of e building.

I turn human and Dow does Rex, "I have to go now Rex" I mutter looking away "look at me storm" he says I lol up at him with tears in my eyes.
"I'll walnut for you" he say before planting a kiss on my cheek.

I nod and hug him gently before running out to the building myself.

Jurassic parks dragon human male t-Rex x reader Where stories live. Discover now