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four days. it had been four days since my date with george. four days, yet not one call, or text, or coincidental visit into my coffee shop. four days, and I was slowly going insane. 

had I done something wrong? was I too forward, or not forward enough? I truly thought we'd connected that night, but it appeared that he didn't feel the same way. I could be overreacting, maybe he was just busy, but I doubt he was that busy. how hard is it to send a simple text? even sending a 'I had a nice time tonight' message takes less than five seconds to type and deliver! 

whatever. I couldn't sit around and mope about a guy after only one date, I had to find a way over him. it was clear to me that he wasn't as interested in me as I was in him, and although I would love an explanation as to what I did wrong, I wasn't going to get one, and I needed to accept that. 

I climbed out of bed and walked into my bathroom, preparing for yet another day at the coffee shop. I glanced at my phone once again, hoping to see a notification from george. I'd been obsessively checking for days now, although it was quite useless, and only causing me more distress. I took a quick shower, straightening my mop of curly hair and getting dressed in the same tan uniform I wore five days out of seven.

my life was so mundane now. I'd always lived a very careful life, rarely having pointless hookups and casual flings. I'd never blacked out after a few too many drinks or woke up on a random park bench with no recollection of the night before. I wanted george to change that, to bring some spark into my plain, simple life. I wanted to forget about george, about his charming smile, and his childish laugh, and his soft, soft lips. I wish it was easy to move on, but it's incredibly hard to move on when you have no closure. 

I would've been satisfied if he had told me I wasn't good enough, or that he wasn't attracted to me, or that we just didn't have a spark. yeah, I would've been extremely hurt, but at least I would've been satisfied. the fact that I didn't know why he hadn't contacted me was what bugged me the most. it was the constant wondering about what I did wrong that occupied my every thought and my every movement. I wasn't good enough for the only boy I desired, and that hurt far worse than any explanation could. 

I pulled into the parking lot of the town center in which my small little shop was located in, parking in an empty spot and strolling into the shop, the aroma of warm coffee beans filling the air. as much as I occasionally hated the monotony of the job, I enjoyed the community, and the customers, and the coffee didn't taste half bad most days, either. I greeted my coworkers and went along with my day, serving frappe after frappe to middle school girls with god complexes. 

annie walked into the cafe, her grin fading as her eyes rested upon me.

"alright, what did he do?" she inquired, my heart skipping a beat. annie seemed to know everything somehow, and as much as I loved her, I hated the fact that she could sense my mood. I'd asked her about it once before, how she always knew if I was happy or sad, and she told me she could just sense the vibrations based on my aura, but I just thought she was psychic. 

"it's not what he did, it's what he didn't do." I huffed, beginning to prepare her drink. "I went on a date with this guy, george, and it was absolutely perfect. he made me a picnic, and we gazed up at the stars, and he drove me home and kissed me! he was too good to be true, though, because he hasn't texted me at all since, and it's been four days! I hate him, so much."

"only four days? don't you think you're being a little dramatic? at least give the boy a week before you claim you hate him." annie chuckled, paying for her drink. "he could be busy, or his phone may have broke, or maybe he's not a texting sort of guy."

"annie, I know you're trying to be nice, but it's not going to make me feel any better. I've given up on him, and on love forever. I'm not good enough for a guy like george. I shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place." 

I should never have been a good friend and gone to the sm6 concert with kelsey. if I'd known how hurt I would be now, I never would've gotten involved. 

"okay, now you're just being ridiculous." annie huffed, taking a sip from her iced coffee. "you're a beautiful girl, mira, inside and out. you radiate such positivity for your pessimistic, always assuming the worst, slightly dramatic self, but you are more than enough. men always suck, they really never get better, and that's why God made an alternative, superior choice."

"which is?" I raised an eyebrow.

"women, of course." 

"as much as I appreciate your help, I'm very much straight, but thank you." 

"hey, I'm just saying. if you ever wanna switch it up sometime, I know plenty of eligible women who would love to be with a girl like you!"

"goodbye, annie." I rolled my eyes, resuming back to my work. women were beautiful, yes, but I was never attracted to them in that way. I had never been too attracted to anyone, really.

except for george. 

i closed up shop, getting back into my car and beginning the drive home. as I pulled into my neighborhood, I noticed a bit of smoke in the air. or was it fog? I was unsure, but I proceeded towards my house, the smoke only thickening. I pulled my car over on the side of the road, my visibility too low to continue driving. I walked towards a group of people, all of them gazing up at a building in amazement. 

there was fire everywhere, engulfing the left side of the house. the flames were a deep shade of red, the smell of burning wood and rubber engulfing the air, the smoke so thick that it was hard to breath. I looked up at the gazing mess, a lump forming in my throat as I realized what building that was. 

my house was on fire. 

how could this have happened? i wasn't cooking anything, nor did I have any explosives in my house. wait, my straightener. I must've left it plugged in. the fire hadn't spanned past the side my bedroom was on, but there was no telling how extensive the damage was.

"call 911! someone call 911!" I cried out, tears in my ears. there were truly no words to describe my feelings at the moment. I was angry at myself for leaving the straightener on, distraught at the loss of my things, I could barely breathe, my mind racing in hundreds of directions. 

"they should be here any second now!" a neighbor called out, embracing me rapidly. I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, the emotions I had been building up for quite some time finally releasing. my house, my sanctuary, it was gone. destroyed. I'd bought that myself, saving up the money for years, and in the blink of an eye, everything was gone. 

the fire truck pulled up rapidly, a slew of men and women running out of the back, hoses and fire extinguisher's in hand. the moment was a blur, really, and I felt close to passing out from the stress.

"where's the owner of this house? is she here?" a familiar voice called out. I whipped my head around, face to face with none other than the boy who'd broke my heart, dressed in his red suit, tears in his eyes. "mira."

"george." I took a deep breath, falling into his open arms as my world seemingly fell apart around me. but in the moment, I just needed him. 

falling for the keyboardist (a mirapants x george jones of sm6 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now