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I climbed into the passenger seat of kelsey's car, my heart fluttering out of my chest as my mind raced over the events of the last few minutes. 

how was this possible? only hours before, I was criticizing kelsey, mocking her obsession over adam, yet here I was, caught up on a man who had barely uttered ten words to me. 

"are you okay?" kelsey asked, knocking me out of my daze. I turned to her with a slight smile, replaying the interaction with george in my head. 

"yeah, I'm fine." I said softly.

"you sure? you've seemed off since the concert."

"I'm sure, kels. I'm perfectly, utterly, completely fine."

"you don't seem it. is it george?" she inquired, a teasing tone in her voice. I narrowed my eyes, her grin wide. how did she know? she barely noticed when he called me out in front of the crowd, she was too distracted by adam's beanie falling off. 

"what?" I raised an eyebrow, hoping to hide the fact that I was madly in love with him, even though I knew absolutely nothing about him. "what are you talking about?"

"relax! I'm just messing with you." she let out a laugh as she turned the corner. I sighed, shaking my head. "thanks for coming along with me, even though I know you would've rather been a lazy bum."

"of course." I ran a hand through my hair as kelsey drove through the busy city, eventually dropping me off at home, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

what if I never saw george again? what if he had already moved on to the next girl, if he had simply flirted with me for fun? I was so hung up on him that it terrified me. I wasn't a big love person, I didn't believe in soulmates, or love at first sight, or relationships that would last forever. but, something about george pulled me in. it wasn't just his dark, full hair, or his eyes that were hazel when the light hit them. it was his presence, his aura, in a way. I was hooked, and I barely even knew his name. 

I woke up the next morning and took a quick shower, before getting ready for work. I was a barista for a small coffee shop in the chicago suburbs, and although the pay was great, the job itself was rather mundane, with the same five or six customers stopping by every day for an iced latte. 

I wondered what george was doing right now. likely preparing for another show, I assumed, or spending some time with his siblings. I'd done some research on him last night, and he seemed to be rather famous, with over twenty eight thousand followers on instagram. twenty eight thousand other girls that he probably flirted with just as much as me.

why was I so jealous? I would never see him again, there was no reason for me to be so obsessed with him. I needed to move on, there were plenty of cute, reasonable men in chicago who I could fall in love with, what was so special about george? 

he was a caring guy, and he seemed to genuinely enjoy being around his siblings. he also didn't seem to care what others thought about him, and I respected that more than anything. he was so unique, and so carefree, and I was just simply drawn to the fact that he was his own individual, doing what made him happy, not just conforming in an attempt to please others. 

whatever, I couldn't be acting like this. I climbed into the drivers seat of my car and drove off to work, greeting my coworkers before clocking in and getting behind the counter, ready for a long nine hours of serving coffee. 

"good morning, mira!" a voice chirped out, distracting me from the latte I was making.

"annie! hi!" I smiled, greeting her. annie was a frequent flyer in my small shop. she was an older woman, almost like a grandmother to me. she had the most genuine smile, and she always gave me great advice. "what can I get for you today?" 

"just an iced coffee with cream, please." she said softly, handing me five dollars. I handed her back the change and her eyes lingered on me for a second. "you look different."

"what do you mean by different? in a bad way?"

"no, no." she smiled, her eyes crinkling. "in a good way. you just have this glow to you. who is he?"

"there's no boy, annie." I rolled my eyes, pouring her coffee over ice. 

"oh, but there is. is he nice? cute? tall? ooh, I bet he's tall?"

"there's no boy, trust me." I chuckled to myself as I added the cream to the cup, handing it to her. 

"sure." she shook her head, a subtle laugh erupting from her mouth. "well, whoever he is, he must be pretty special to you. but, if he doesn't treat you right, you know i'll kick his ass for you."

i rolled my eyes at the idea of a sixty year old woman beating up george. that would truly be a sight to see. 

"yeah, yeah, I know." I bit my lip, hiding my smile at the thought of george. "have a great day, annie."

"you too, sweetheart." 

my day proceeded as usual, the same customers coming and going, until I noticed a tall man walk in. his back was too me, so I couldn't see his face, but I could tell from his back profile that he was incredibly fine. I lingered for a second, my gaze strong, until he turned around. shit, he was looking. a smirk crept upon my face as I realized who he was, his gaze upon me strong, a slightly confused look upon his face. 

I wondered if he remembered...

"hey." he said in a deep voice as he approached the counter. "I think I've seen you before."

"yeah, I guess I'm always around." I chuckled uneasily. 

"mira, right?"

"yeah. you're george, if I remember correctly." I couldn't seem to eager to see his face once again, but my heart was pounding out of my chest rapidly, my hands shaking with excitement.

"that's me." he bit his lip, looking me up and down with his eyes. "so, you work at a coffee shop?" 

"I do. we can't all be talented musicians." I joked as a chuckle erupted from his throat. his laugh was almost angelic, and I wanted nothing more than to hear that laugh every day for the rest of my life. 

"oh, so you think I'm talented?" he teased as my cheeks flushed a shade of dark pink. 

"I might, I mean, you put on quite the show last night."

"thank you." he beamed, licking his lip softly. "so, what drink do you recommend, mira?" 

my name seemed to roll off his tongue. it just sounded so perfect every time he said it.

"I usually get a mocha frappe, although they're incredibly sweet."

"alright. I'll get one of those, along with a bagel."

"sounds good. that'll be 6.23." 

he roamed around his wallet, pulling out a ten dollar bill and handing it to me. his fingers lingered upon mine for a second, and I could see a sliver of a smile through his seemingly normal expression. 

"keep the change." he said, as he walked over to another counter. I prepared his drink and handed it to him, our fingers touching once again. he slipped a piece of paper into my fingers, winking subtly as he walked out of the cafe. "goodbye, mira." he uttered as he walked out of the doors, leaving me once again starstruck and dazed by him. 

falling for the keyboardist (a mirapants x george jones of sm6 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now