Weird convos with my friends on Wattpad!

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A/N Okay! This is the story that @lurkingcat told me on chat. why you ask? We were both bored soo yea! Enjoy ;)

Once upon a time...there was a girl, her eyes hazel and her hair a fierce blazing red; she had a friend who too had these features. Their names were Caitlin and Emma.

They lived in a magical world, Caitlin owned several dragons and Emma owned one dragon and two phoenixes. They went to a school for the children of the village.  Many of the boys were idiots and there were some girls who had egos the size of planets. There was a certain boy that drove Caitlin absolutely nutters his name was Chris and he thought Caitlin was actually trying to kill him each time she would run at him or shake her fist in the air...he was wrong. She had shown him mercy. He did not think that was so though...She had not yet released her wrath upon him. So he kept harassing poor Caitlin until one day...

 He pushed too far. Caitlin had warned him time and time again of the out come of his foolishness but he had not listened. So she held none of her wrath back once his foolishness breached the line. She than waited, calling upon her friend Emma to help. The two devised countless plans to make him regret but one had grown to appeal to them the most... A plan that was quiet creative and evil, it was odd but very effective. So once they had prepared for their scheme they set it to plan at once.

After long sleepless nights, after the sweat and the was finally ready

"Chris?" Caitlin asked the victim of their plot.

"Yes?" He answered, it was heard there was a slight surprise in his tone, for Caitlin had actually wanted to talk to him and didn't refer to him in an offensive way.

"Come with me and Emma to a party beyond a creek I know so well that I could never get lost." Caitlin smiled. “Peace treaty per say." Caitlin said.

"No thanks." Chris said, obviously the sound of peace did not sound sweet to his ears, he wanted to annoy Caitlin.

“But you must!" Caitlin cried. "For whoever goes receives sixteen bags of gold and for every bag is twenty million dollars worth of gold! Not only that," Caitlin reasoned "but there are the world best sweets there and every one gets a wish, a single wish that will not be limited in anyway!" Chris grinned and claimed the bait straight away.

"Alright, when is it?" he asked, eager to go.

"In one hour, a couple of minutes before sunset." Caitlin grinned, he was sure to come.

"Meet me at the school alright?" Chris said and Caitlin nodded, Chris strutted away quickly and looked very please with himself. When they meet Emma and Caitlin were dresses in gowns, plea shimmering silk. Chris was in jeans and a black t-shirt and wore a grin. As soon as he saw Caitlin though he frowned and blinked.

"What troubles you so?" Emma asked and cocked her head to the side.

 "Where is Caitlin?" He asked and glanced back at Caitlin.

"She is right here!" Emma cried and pointed to Caitlin.

"But this can't be her!" Chris cried.

"Oh yes she is!" Emma exclaimed.

"So I am." Caitlin agreed with Emma.

 "But..." Chris trailed off and stared at Caitlin. "But this lady is far to pretty to be Caitlin!" Chris stated.

"Are you saying I am usually ugly!?" Caitlin gasped

"N-n-no, no, of course not, I mean of course... No! I mean... er...uh..." Chris stumbled across his words. Caitlin struggled to keep her smirk down for she had never seen him in this state before. "I, I just meant to say you are splendidly beautiful." Chris said and began to blush, by then Caitlin couldn't hold back her smirk, luckily though Chris stared at his feet than instead of her.

 Emma clapped her hands together "right than shall we leave, for it is almost time for the party and there is fair time to go." Caitlin agreed and Chris stutters something about Emma being very smart. Through mud and vines they went, animals tear and biting at the three. Some how Emma and Caitlin still looked magnificent but Chris was a disaster.

When they got to the party Chris broke under the wicked spell the girls had cast upon him. Chris collapsed to the ground. He than began to kneel on one knee. "Caitlin..." He began. "I am so so sorry for all I've done too you." He continues. "The truth is... I love you." Caitlin struck a poker face as she watched the spell break into Chris' soul.

"Will you do me the honor of being my girl friend?" He asked, that was when Caitlin truly struck her punishment.

"NEVER CHRIS! I HATE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL! YOU HURT ME!!!" Caitlin screamed and then watched the hurt kill him inside, his happiness crumble. Caitlin's was wrath was done, Chris had paid his price. After that lifted the spell Emma and Caitlin laughed about it for years and told everyone about it. Every time Chris would hear it retold he would deny the whole moment but there was always still that hurt glinting in his eyes. Though he did learn his lesson, he never bothered Caitlin again.

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