Chapter 3

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{Khione's Perspective}

I danced with my sphere of light, while manipulating the air around me to make me float. I knew not to go higher incase the Avengers caught me. Soon the light became dim, "Wow, I must be tired for you to dim" I mentioned catching the orb and obsorbing what was left of the light. I landed on the floor softly and walked over to the bed. Taking of my shoes off I pulled the blanket and laid down pulling the soft material over my body. I felt my eye lids get heavier until I fell into a dreamless sleep. Or so I thought....

~In Khione's Dream~

Snow, that's all I saw the snow falling gracefully yet I didn't feel it. I walked in an unknown direction until I heard a voice.

"Khione!" a male voice called me. "Where are you darling. Come on your grandfather would have my head if you are late to the banquet" the voice continued. I followed the voice until I found myself in the most beautiful gardens covered in snow. Even winter had its beauty here. My hands gazed over the frost covered flowers. A child's giggle caught me of guard. I looked over the bush to see.... Me!?

I had my brown and pink hair in a complicated braid, as I wore a simple green dress tied with a gold belt. I must have been around four because I don't remember this at all.

"Where is my Khione. Well then if I can't find her might as well go to see grandmother preform her new spells all by myself" the voice spoke again. My younger self ran up to a green and silver figure with black hair.

"Don't forget me Papa" little me jumped. 'Papa?' I asked myself. The scene soon changed to a dark room, I looked around to see them. "Now, now Khione let's see what makes you so special" the German accent sneered. I started to shake, 'No no not now' I trembled.

{Thor's Perspective}

I sat in the conference room staring at Mjölnir. 'How did Khione hold you' I thought taking a sip of whiskey. I sighed deeply, this child reminded me of Loki's daughter. How she talks her way into situations and definitely her hair.

I was about to leave to my Chambers when I noticed Mjölnir shaking violently. "Khione" I said rising toward her cage.

As I ran down the stairs instead if taking the magic box Midguardians call a elevator. I ran into the room holding Khione. I walked in and was hit with the freezing cold.

Khione's cage was covered in ice and snow, her body moving quickly as she murmured cries for help. I used Mjölnir to smash the glass and ran to Khione's side.

"Stop hurting us.....please stop" She cried tossing and turning. I gently shook her. "Khione, it is only a dream wake up" I tried to wake her. I kept shaking her lightly trying to get her to wake up.

In a quick movment her eyes opened and flashed silver before she got up. Khione was breathing heavily. "It is alright. It was just a dream" I said softly.

"I wish" Khione mumbled. I looked at her confused, "What do you mean young Khione?" I asked her, Khione looked at me "You wouldn't understand" she said folding her knees to her chest. "Was it a nightmare?" I asked curious to her  sleeping rampage.

"More like a blast from the past... sort of" Khione told me laughing at herself. "Why are you laughing?" I asked very concerned. "Why do care, I mean not trying to be rude but... I don't know you seem to be concerned about me, not like the other Avengers heck only you and Black Widow came and even she didn't show this much concern for me" Khione told me, I looked at her and sighed.

"Your a special young woman Khione. Not just because of your powers, or because you held Mjölnir. It's because I can see that you are more than what you lead the other to believe. Now get some rest"I smiled at her.

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