Hits to the head! (my pov)

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       Today was a strange day. Apparently pythor was supposed to be dead but my theory was right. My soul being here pythor came back to life. Also Kai still doesn't trust me that much, and he's still pissed at me for setting him up with jay. I mean nya and P.I.X.A.L are jealous cuz they liked Jay and Zane but, since nya supports her brother she helped me get them together. :-D.  she told me what to say.

        Me and Zane where preparing lunch when I sensed pythors presence. I looked at Zane he noticed it to when I was done with Sensei's tea I have him a note saying I sense pythors presence. Sensei Wu nodded.

Me~ Hey Zane do you have some music we can listen to?

Z~ Yes actually *plays magick flute song*

P~ Owww!!! GOD DAMN IT!! *falls of bounty.*

     We laugh and yell " LUNCH'S READY!!" When we said that, we could have sworn they were using spininjitzu to get here. They just I dunno zoomed down here! Well except for Lloyd he fell down the stairs. We laughed at that.

Me~ Lloyd! You ok?I

L~ yup fine.

After that when they finished eating. Cole and me had to wash the dishes. It was pretty much silent so I started talking.

Me~ Cole how did your Date go?I

C~ Amazing we went to this little place that served pastries and boba tea. I got a slice of chocolate cake, and Zane got some blueberry mint macarons.

Me~ what happened after?

C~ No... He'll no!!

Me~ I'll take away your cake.

C~ well ummm ok fine.

Me~ ??

C~ well I-it ended with us um m-making out on t-the c-couch

Me~ And??

C~ well did you know that Zane is really tense and ti-

Me~ NONONONONONONONO!!!!! I just... Ya KnOw WhAt NoOoOo!! Ok no.

C~ {you asked}

       I'm leaving I say as I walk off. I head to the spare room and start to doodle. I let my mind wander and I end up drawing the symbol of the anacondrai. This surprised me but guess what I just realized that anytime pythor was around I would draw this which means.... well shit! How I know this well it started when it was like IDK May 13 and, at midnight he tried to sneak on to the bounty. In all honesty I'm so glad, just, so glad! That I yeeted pythor off the deck of the ship. Because I may, or may not have set Morro and Lloyd up on a date. Jay and Kai tried to stop me but they were too slow. (End of flashback)

P~ Hello dear.

Me~ Pythor itss been awhile.

P~ Yess it has been while.

Me~ What do you want pythor!?


Me~ NEVER!!!!

      As pythor lunged at me as I dodged his attack he tried to hit me with his staff I blocked it with mine. Soon it basically became a sword fight. He knocked my staff out of my hands. He tried to grab it. So instead I tripped him. That caused him to fall on me I swear to god so going to beat pythor after this. Then I flipped him over so I was on top I hear footsteps


Me~ OH! Hey kai! OWWWWW!

     Pythor flung me across the room and broke my sleeping stand! I grabbed my staff and hit him upside the head with it. Then I used my staff and hypnotized him. And said jump off the deck. He did. What!? He's an anacondrai he'll be fine... I think. Maybe. Eh it'll be fine. So we all take part in fixing my room. Except for nya because well she took part in enlarging the bounty. Plus I'm pretty sure she would have killed me if I told her. "I wrecked the spare room".  Yea so that's why I didn't do that. Either way my room looks good as new!!

     This morning I spent ninety percent of the time, running from Morro and Lloyd. The reason was I set them up on a double date with Kai and Jay so ehhh. I decided to bombard them with questions when they got home. That got me a hit to the head. By all of them. So I asked nya and Garmadon how to hide from Kai and Lloyd when they're mad. They said "you can't". So all day I spent running and hiding from them. So that's great!
      The next day I didn't have anything to do. So I decided to take the crystal in my staff and surveillance pythor. Oh I forgot to tell you, the crystal in my staff is removable. In doing so I gathered the ninja and told them what I found....

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