Chapter 1: 2020, Hell of a Year ( literally )

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"What? Is it something bad?," I worried

"No, it's absolutely amazing." My mom smiled widely. Mother is probably the most intelligent person I know. She's smarter than my dad. What? Im just stating the truth. She has a doctoral degree in physics from the university of Oxford. Has a certificate proving that she had been an intern at NASA all her years in high school. She is also a straight A student and has a GPA of 5.0.

Sometimes I wonder how she's my mother and how my dad's my dad. I suck at maths and science. I just have no interest in being an engineer or a scientist. Maybe not yet. I truly do want to follow in my parent's footsteps but at the same time, those two aren't my true callings.

"Well then what is it?," I asked

"How do we put this gently-" my mom started but was then cut off by my overly excited dad "we figured out time traveling!," He exclaimed

"what?," if I had water right now I would spit it out then take another gulp of water and spit it out again. Time traveling. Never in my life would I have ever thought of my parents of all people being the first to figure out time traveling. Sure they were smart but even Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton figure out time traveling.

"We could be rich! And famous! Rich and famous. When will we start selling?," I asked excitedly

My mom chuckled of my excitement. "Azalea dear, we aren't selling it,"

"What? Why?,"

"I mean, if one starts selling a time machine, people would of course start buying it. Meaning they would use it and go back and forth in time resulting in breaking the space time continuum," she explained. I'm no genius but I think I get where she's coming from

"So then what? Are we just going to keep it on shelf till it rots?,"

"We're going to use it," She smiled all jolly

"But won't that also break the space time continuum?,"

"Well yes, but Avonlea is a small village then. No one actually knew what it was until they visited. So maybe yes, the possibility of an impact will be 80 to 100 but will it be a huge one? Nope,"

I just nodded. I honestly don't understand a thing she was saying but I just nodded. What even is an Avonlea. For what I know, it's a road. The Kindred Spirit Mall in Avonlea Road. One of the biggest Malls in Prince Edward Island. "What year are we going too?,"


"The eighteen thousands?," I still wished there were water so I could shout and spit it out for the dramatic effect "B-but in 1897 there isn't any wifi, or Tv or anything!," I freaked out "that's basically the Victorian Era. That's the year with corsets and no women rights and.. and lots and lots of racism,"

"Racism has always been here and it still is," mom pointed out "some people is just like that. The only thing we can do is to educate them and not be them,"

"And for the wifi problem," my dad pulled out proudly from his pocket. It was a small matte black box with a very smooth looking texture. "We have this,"

"What's that?,"


"I'm no Albert Einstein but wifi can't even pass from different countries, how could it pass 'the space time continuum'," I said as used air quotes

"Well this is different," he flipped it over to show me the side of it. There were two holes "this one is for charging," he pointed to the one on the left

"And the other one?,"

"And that's for this," he took his laptop and sat next to me. He plugged the cable into his laptop and connected it to the black so called "wifi" box. Then, there was a pop up on his screen

Insert Year

He then typed 2015 "give me your phone," my dad instructed and I did. He pressed a few things on my phone. I was pleading inside for not a even a notification come up. He gave back without a notification from any of my friends, thank God for that.

I clicked the home button and checked my apps and that's when I realized all the apps have changed into it's 2015 form. Checking Instagram, there were mostly posts of people dabbing, pictures on the debate of a dress being white and gold or blue and black, the ice bucket challenge. Vine was still there, and my tiktok also changed into musically.

2015 really was a good year.

"Hold on... so if I put 2010 there it'll changed everything on my phone according to what had happen in 2010?," I asked my parents to see if I have caught up, and they nodded.

"What if I put 1000?," I asked

"Never put anything below 2000, if you put in a year that has no internet yet, it could break the wifi. The Internet and most of it was invented around the 1900 but for safety reasons we can't go down to 2000, got it?,"

"Yes sir,"

"So are you in on moving back to 1897?" Mom asked.


"Lea, we can't just leave you here,"

"This is all cool and stuff but I have a life here, mom. What about my friends and- and school?,"

"We talked to your school and told them that you are moving to another school. and also you do realize that quarantine is going to be added at least another year. It will be safer for all of us to move into another. . . Well, year," my dad answered

"But why can't we go to 2015 or something?,"

"Money is easier to get in 1987 being an engineer and a scientist, and also we lived in 2015, what if we accidentally meet ourselves or people that we know? That could mess up everything, time is a very fragile thing Azalea," my mom said. I hate debating with my parents. I'm sorry I don't have a 5.0 gpa. This is no where near a fair fight.

"fine," I grumbled

"Great! We are packing today, and then we are going to leave tomorrow," my mom decided.

"can I bring my clothes?"

"Yes, but when we get there the style is... a little different so we have to get you more dresses to blend in with everyone else," she replied.

"But can I wear my normal clothes out once in a while?"

"No I don't think so, you have to wear your clothes in. Girls don't wear jeans or sweatpants there,"

"This is going to be torture," I groaned as I got up to my room to pack.

Back in 1897Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα