The Beginning of Aliza the Killer

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Im Aliza

bullied, hated,

Like anyone else I did nothing wrong

I'm just weird

I love creepy things

Im messed up in the head you could say

But one day I cracked


I walked into the classroom like any other day when the popular girls came up to me

'Awww, look, its creepygirl obsessing over a creepypasta" They started snickering to themselves

I looked down to see why they were making fun of me this time, I was wearing my white pullover....similar to Jeff the Killers

How I love Jeff, relating to him quite a bit

But right when I was about to say something the teacher walked it

An Hell begins now

During the lesson I played with the knife I had in the hoodie until the teacher called me up to the board

I walked up and answered the question on the boarded leaving the class in awe

When I walked back to my seat I could hear the kids "She is smart"

Dumbasses thinking I can't hear them

The only thing I wanted right now was out of this class, lucky for me it ended in 10 minutes

For the next 10 minutes I kept drawing on my paper "Go to sleep" and pictures of Jeff and I, call me obsessive but I would love to go on a killing spree with him

Finally the bell rang

As I got up Riley and Katy came over and grabbed my paper

"Go to sleep" They mocked me

I grabbed the paper and ran until Chris showed up in my path

I remembered he killed my horse

He tried to trip me but I jumped and kept running until I reached my house

I ran upstairs ignoring everything  to find my dog Scout waiting for me 

I ran into my room where he jumped up on my bed

I walked up to him and stroked his back

"Im sorry Scout"

I grabbed the knife in my pocket and slowly walked up to my mirror and held it to my neck

Tears filled my eyes

I had to do it

I pressed to slowly to my neck cutting a little bit of the side of my neck

Right as I was about to end it all my mom walked in

"ALIZA!" She ran to my side and grabbed the knife and practically threw me on the bed

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" She yelled at me bursting into tears

I just laid there looking at her with tears filling my eyes

She grabbed her phone and called a mental hospital

"I was always worried about you Ali, when you first started talking about this...Jeff guy and Seederman or what ever" She started

"Slenderman" I corrected her

She ended up talking to them and I was suppose to leave tomorrow morning but I couldn't

I wasn't

I ran downstairs and called Scout, I opened the door and we ran

Nothing was going to stop us

The only word running through my head

Was Revenge

Scout and I ran until we found the house

Riley's house

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2012 ⏰

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