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2. Give this book a shout out on your profile.
3. Read and comment on Sol.

Okay, I am going to explain the third part.

If your average chapter length is below 1000 words, then you need to read and comment on two chapters of my book. (This will guarantee that I read four chapters of your book.)

If your average chapter length is 1000-2000 words, then you need to read and comment on three chapters of my book. (This will guarantee that I read four chapters of your book.)

If your average chapter length is above 2000 words, then you need to read and comment on four chapters of my book. (This will guarantee I read five chapters of your book.)

For Sol, only things with actual reading content count so, for example, "Part 1" does not count.

You must comment above, in line with the payment, to let me know that you have completed it.

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