Chris Hemsworth

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Y/N walked along the beach, enjoying the sunlight while it lasted. A slight breeze flew through air, causing your hair to move a tiny bit. The waves crashed along the shore, making a calming sound. In the distance, You could hear the yelling of children playing around. 

"Who knew this vacation would be good." Your brother said while looking for a good spot on the beach. 

"I already told mom that we should take a vacation here weeks ago. She finally listened." You smirked without hesitation. 

Y/N kept walking towards the shoreline, waiting for the rest of your family to show up. When they did, you follow your brother out into the water. The two of you climb onto your surfboards, heading to the waves. 

"I bet I can get to that wave first." Your brother swam right past you, a smile plastered on his face. 

"Get prepared to lose." You challenged.  

Eventually you both made to the waves. By then, the sun was shining brightly in the sky. It was the perfect day for a vacation like this. You stood up on your surfboard, heading towards the nearest wave. It towered over you, like a tunnel, with sunlight at the end of it. When brushing your hand against the inside, you were sprayed tiny droplets on yourself. 

"That was quite impressive." Your brother complimented as you slowed down. 

"That was better than you."

"Now you're just bragging."

"Deal with it."

Another wave formed in the distance, larger than the last one. Y/N swam towards it before standing up on the surfboard again. Darkness took over you as you entered the tunnel of water. It was relaxing, along with silent. Nothing bothered you. Not even your family. Within a moment, the darkness got even darker. Y/N couldn't see the end of the wave. It came crashing down on you, bringing you under the water. 

"Oh no..."

Water overwhelmed you, along with the darkness. Looking up at the very little amount of light on the surface, you could see shadows around you. Every sound was blurred, and hard to tell if it was the water or someone's voice. Closing your eyes again, you felt something grab your arm. Whatever it was, it seemed to be leading you out of the water. 

What seemed like an eternity, was only a few seconds. Managing to bring your head above water, Y/N gasped for breath. Wiping the hair from your face, you look around, wondering who had pulled you out of the water. 

"Are you okay?"

Y/N looked up, staring directly at Chris Hemsworth. At first glace, you couldn't believe it. Blinking a few times, just to make sure, he was still there.


"Are you alright?"

He had a concerned look on his face. You look at him speechless. Y/N was still trying to process that this was all real. 

"You seemed shocked."


Your heart was pounding against your chest. Staying calm was the last thing that came to your mind. Trying not to freak out was getting real hard as time past. 

"...sorry for all of this..." You apologized in a shaky voice.

"It's all good. It happens to all of us." He comforted, still concerned for you.

"That wave was bigger than I thought."

"That tends to happen a lot around here."

"It does?"

"Every once in a while. Most of the time though, the waves aren't that big."

Chris carried both of the surfboards as the two of you walked towards the beach. It was still hard to believe that it was actually him, but you started to stop freaking out long enough to talk. Y/N was grateful that your family was on the other end of the beach.

"Is it your first time here?"

"Yes. My family and I are here on a vacation."

"That's nice. Byron Bay is a really good spot for that."


He placed both of the surfboards on the sand, still keeping up with the conversation. You wondered how lucky you were. It wasn't every day that you got saved from drowning by Chris Hemsworth. 

"Thanks for saving me."

"No problem."

"My brother is going to be jealous of me now."

"Where is he?"

"Over there." You point to the figure coming towards you.

"Where have you been all this time. We've been looking for you."

"You didn't almost drown." Y/N said with a slight hint of sarcasm.

Your brother looked at Chris, and immediately silent. He stood there for a second, having a similar reaction to you.


"It's real."

"How's it going?" Chris held out his hand for your brother to shake.

"Good..." He shook his hand, still a little shocked.

The three of you head to the rest of your family. You and your brother look at each other, both of you shocked at this.

"This is the rest of my family."

"How are you guys doing?"

"We're are doing quite well." Your mom doesn't even seem shocked.

"Y/N almost drowned. Lucky enough that I was there when it happened."

"That wave was big."

You and your brother stare at your parents, wondering why they aren't as shocked as you two were. After a good five minutes, your family thank him for saving you.

"If it isn't any trouble, you and your family could come to my house for dinner. My family wouldn't mind the guests." Chris invited, still smiling.

"Are you sure? We don't want to intrude."

"It's no trouble. My family would love to meet you guys."

"We'd love to." Your brother grinned.

Y/N looked at the ground, embarrassed at your brother. Secretly, you cheered that you were this lucky. What turned from a simple visit to the beach turned into getting invited to dinner by Chris Hemsworth. This was the best vacation you had ever had. Never in a million years would you have thought that this would happen.

"I think I just got extremely lucky."

"If you would have never almost drowned, we would've never met him."

"Best vacation ever."

"I can't wait to tell my friends about this."

"They probably wouldn't believe you."

"Who cares? At least I got to meet Chris Hemsworth and they didn't."

"That's true." 

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