Chapter two

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When Barry got back to his lab that night he felt like crying. After all these years he finally found his soulmate but his soulmate didn't find him. He could never prove to Oliver that they were soulmates, and even if he tried Oliver wouldn't believe him. He would just push Barry away and never talk to him again.

No matter how much he wanted to break down and let his tears flow, someone would most likely walk in on him. Also it was beginning to storm outside and he had left his ceiling hatch open. So Barry bit back his tears and grabbed the chains connected to the window and began to pull.

But then all of a Sudden every liquid in sight began to lose its gravity. Just like that one terrible night. Barry was frozen with fear, thousands of thoughts racing through his mind.

Was he back?

Is he here for him?

Why now?

Why didn't he tell Oliver when he had the chance?

A crack of lightning struck him from his thoughts. His whole body seemed to be on fire. Electricity flowing through his vains. Then darkness.

He was sure the man in lighting had got him. That he'd gotten to close to figuring everything out so he had to go. Something about it was peaceful though. No more sadness, no more anger, no more pain, he was finally free.

The light, he could see it now. All he had to do was walk into it. But when he tried to reach out for it someone held his hand back. Someone was holding him down but at the same time he was moving?

"How is he still alive" a fuzzy voice said from somewhere above him.

Alive? Oh, so he isn't dead. Unsure if he should be happy or not about this new information he let himself fall back into the peaceful darkness.

// Sorry it took so long to update I should have weekly updates from now on//

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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