Chapter one

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Ever since Barry was little people had
always starred at him weird. Looks of pity and disgust followed him everywhere he went. Barry knew why, it was because if the two hand prints on his neck. The place where his soulmate would first touch him. Why couldn't his soulmate mark be something like everyone else's, like Irises. Her's was less noticeable, it was on her hand wrapping around it slightly, Iris and Barry concluded it would be from her and her soulmate shaking hands, a dignified soulmark. Unlike his.

After Barry's mother passed away and his father went to jail the looks of pitty seemed to increase immensely. So he started wearing makeup to cover his soulmark. After awhile everyone forgot about his mark and the looks decreased, but only a little.

Oliver's soulmark wasn't to out of the ordinary, just to finger prints on his wrist as if checking his pulse. He used to think it would be because he was so wasted that some hot chick would have to see if he was still among the living. Then when the Queens Gambet crashed on li an u he believed someone would find his unconscious body and check to see if he had finally died. But after he was rescued he had no idea. Until a clumsy yet somehow adorable CSI walked in on a crime scene where someone stole from Queen Consolidated.

When Barry had finally stabilized the Green Arrow, that he now knew as the extremely charming Oliver Queen, he stepped back and took a breath. Maybe he would make it back to central city alive, even if he may be fired he'd be alive. Barry had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice his "patient" wake up. Until when suddenly there was two hands on his throat and spark of electricity going through his body.

No. It couldn't be. Not him. Barry thought as he lost consciousness. Just before everything went dark the hands on his throat were gone and he fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Oliver calm down he just saved your life!" Barry heard Felicity shout. But Oliver was quick to retort. "He now knows my identity! He's a threat!"
"You were dying Oliver! What were we supposed to do let you die!"
"That wasn't your secret to tell!"
Barry finally was able to stand coughing just a bit.
"I won't tell anyone." Oliver snapped his head towards him upon hearing this.
"And why should I trust you?" A wave of sadness hit barry. Of course he doesn't know. He was unconscious when barry had touched him and Barry's soulmark was heavily covered.
"Cause you have no other choice, kill me and you'll have the whole CCPD up your butt for years, I have no reason to tell anyone your identity." Oliver's face turned from a death glare to just a scowl."Fine."

{Hello to anyone actually reading this, please like or don't it's your choice, I do plan on continuing this so stay tuned for that I guess😅✌}

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