Manic Episode ect.

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So here's what happened,last night I was a giggly mess. Laughing at every fucking thing,put beads in a water bottle. Though overall I know it's not the best thing,but it felt fucking good especially with quarantine going on and having to stay in one area for so long,feeling sluggish. I've started caring less and less what people think of me. RISE by League of Legends is intence and amazing. So I feel like I might have at least 1/3 of the energy of last night and that's still something. I feel like getting like five piercings to distract ne from boredom. My brain would not shut up I had like 'question anything and everything' kind of questions,I was walking around the house,went to sleep at about 5-6:00. Got a bunch of bracelets,jingly bracelets,and been shaking mt are violently at random times. The world is burning,literally, and moving out of reach of a fan is awful. My body heat has always been a little off. I want a nest. Like and actual giant nest made of blankets,it's literally one of my dreams. I know the LGBT+ community has been in awful situations,and I'm in no way a hater one of my best friends(got a new phone,lost the last didn't have his number anymore,😢)is Transgender Male and my sister is a Lesbian,but,I'm sorry,but I'm kinda getting tired of the whole...I don't know how to word this without getting some Sirius hate but I go on Tik Tok and every where I go I see pride things. Now I think it might be because my sister is so passionate about it I kinda get tired of hearing about it. I don't know how to describe it but imagine your friend ranting about something you're not really intrested in all the time the next time you hear about it you're kinda like a 'if I hear this one more time' of thing. Also I think I might be a bit of a Psychopath. This is a distinct memory. One time I was at my mom's boyfriends house,his son had a turtle,Chelonaphobia is me,and I noticed that it was it in the exact same place as it was the last time I was there a week & 1/2 ago. So I pointed it out like "Have you checked on 'turtle name',he's in the same place as the last time I was there." So they checked on him...I was right he was dead. So his(mom's bf) son started crying,and I tried to stifle my giggles. I don't know why I started snickering,but I did. My mom was pissed when she saw. 1)I didn't really care for his feelings 2)I hate turtles so it didn't effect me 3)I kinda found it funny when he started crying. This is the reason that when we had to put down our pug I wasn't in the room they did it in,as a precaution. I loved our pug and I didn't really like the idea of laughing when she was dying.

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