Chapter 33 ♛ Old Memories

Start from the beginning

"Looks like they are waiting for you." He said, but I didn't care to look at what he was talking about.

The car came to a slow stop on the side of the airport. There wasn't too many people here at the moment which I was fine with, because it wouldn't fuck with my mental health even more being surrounded by souls who drained me.

"Atmosphere?" Mike whispered, but I kept quiet and only stared ahead.

"Mike, what are you doing here?" Sam's voice flooded my area, indicating that he was hovering over my window.

"Came to drop off Atmosphere." He explained.

"Appna?" Jake whispered, shaking my body lightly, but I didn't flinch. I was too weak to move at the moment, and too emotional to even look at them.

"Jake, can I talk to you real quick?" Mike asked, begging to be exact.

"Yeah?" Jake's voice dripped with concern.

I could sense that Mike had brought Jake behind the car, because he didn't want the other two to hear what he was going to tell him.

"Hey, Atmosphere." Sam whispered, causing my glossy eyes to meet his, "Do you need any help getting out of the car?" He asked.

His pale face had a concern expression written on it along with my boyfriend's as well. It's weird how people only care about you when they see you person. But when you're not around, they act like you don't exist until it benefits them.

"I'm fine." I whispered, slowly opening the car door for myself.

Suddenly, I was engulfed into strong arms but I didn't react to them. And it's because I didn't want to.

"Mike told me everything." Jake whispered into my ear, "I'm so sorry, Atmosphere."

My eyes wander over to Mike. He gave me a weak smile before mouthing the words "I'm sorry" to me. I gave him a weak smile back along with a thumbs up, which let him know that he was all good in my book, and that I'm not mad at him for telling Jake what I was avoiding to tell him these past few weeks now.

"I'm tired, Jakey." I mumbled into his neck.

His muscles instantly tightened up, because the choice of name I used to call him by was affecting him. This was my way of telling him I wasn't okay in the simplest way possible without breaking down and making a scene in front of everyone. And he knew that.

"I got you, Atmosphere." He reassured, "Let's head back to our hometown." He added.

He didn't let my feet touch the floor. Instead, he insisted on carrying me which I didn't really mind, because I wasn't lying when I said I was tired. I could pass out any second now from the lack of nutrition and sleep my body has been craving for a hot minute now.

"I will let Tara know that you'll be stopping by my place later today to drop off the rest of Atmosphere's stuff." Jake told Mike, and in front of the others may I add.

I lifted my head up from his shoulder, "Jakey, it's fine." I pouted, "I'm fine staying at the hotel."

"Wait?! You have been staying at a hotel?!" Sam questioned me before turning to his best friend, "Colby, what's going on?" He questioned him now, but he kept quiet.

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