Chapter 4: The Firefighters

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By the time the firefighters arrived, the whole bakery was up in flames. Five rhinoceros, five elephants, and three mice jumped out of the fire truck. Unlike the rhinoceros and elephants, the mice had on blue P.J.s with little yellow cheeses on them. One of them was even holding a tiny teddy human! The mice ran towards the Bunnys and lept into their arms. The one with the teddy human sprang at Dakota, and she stuck her paws out to catch him. After she successfully caught him, and he was safe in her arms, she looked down at him in confusion. He noticed, and explained,

"We're trying something new at the Fire Department. On every mission, we send fluffy, cuddly critter to calm the victims of the fire."

"Oh." Dakota said "That makes sense." She pressed the little mouse against her chest and gave him a light squeeze. It did help a little.

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