I went to my bathroom as he followed me, I started to fix my makeup and I kept talking.

"A party and then somewhere else where I don't have to see any of you."

"That's harsh, why wouldn't you want to see us?"

I faced him, "I don't want to keep talking to you guys about my problems."

"What prob-"

"Daniel and I are over Jack."

His face made it look like I just punched him. He was shocked but then all of a sudden became nervous.

"Did he end it or you?"

"Why the fuck does that matter? And if you must know he did."

And with that Jack bolted out of the room, but I honestly didn't care where he was going. I turned off my light and started to head to the elevator where I ran into Zach. He handed me my phone and heels, which I left as I was too busy running out of.

As soon as we pulled up to the address, I could tell what kind of party this was. The house was huge and there were already so many nice cars outside, and you could heere the music a street down.

Zach parked the car and we started to walk inside, and we ended up running into Kylar and Kelani on the way in.

"Hey guys!" She said as she hugged the both of us.

Kylar hugged me and did that guy handshake with Zach.

"Thanks for the invite again, we kinda needed to get out." I said.

"No Daniel or Jack?" Kylar asked, looking between Zach and I.

I felt myself become sad but I pushed that away and shook my head, "not tonight, but let's go in."

We all started to walk in and that's when Kelani linked arms with my, pulling me to the side.

"Hey are you okay? I saw how you reacted when Ky asked about Daniel?"

"Not really, he wants to take a break from me and he told me that like an hour ago so, guess we are sort of done for now."

"I'm so sorry about that, here lets go get your mind off of him." She said as she walked me over to where the drinks were.

It was almost midnight and I could barely walk straight. At this point I haven't seen Zach because I was with Kelani. About ten minutes ago we watch Kylar and a girl go upstairs, but Kelani and I both knew that it was a two way thing between him and the girl.

"Can you help me find Zach?" I asked Kelani, I was already tired and knew I wouldn't last longer standing up.

She nodded her hand and took my hand, and pulled me in a direction. We continued to walk around the house and I spotted Zach dancing with some girl, a drink in his hand too. Kelani and I walked up to him and he immediately walked away from the girl.

"Thank god, I felt bad for leaving her but didn't have an excuse." He said as he shugged his shoulder to the girl who he just walked away from.

Zach definitely had to much to drink too, I could smell it in his breath.

"Here, she's yours for the rest of the night, mkay?" Kelani said. "Also I know you guys have been drinking a lot so you're more then welcome to stay here, the person having the party is like family to me." She said.

"No thanks, we actually rented a room." Zach said.

She raised an eyebrow at me but I shook my head, I knew it sounded bad but it was whatever.

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