Chapter 2-Homunculus

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Chapter 2

               “A homunculus!?” Finn growled under his breath. “Then that means…you’re an artificially made human being!”
   “Smart boy. I expect nothing less from an Ackerman.” At that moment Envy grabbed Finn’s wrist and ripped it away to jump free from his grasp. “But you could really practice on your captivity skills.” Envy said nonchalantly as he stood arms crossed at the doorway.
   Sword unsheathed and at the ready Finn walked closer to Envy. “Why and how did you even get here? What have you come to gain by deceiving me and trapping me in this pen?” he asked furiously.
“Do I even have to answer that?” Envy said as he rolled his eyes.
“Yes, you do Envy.”
“What was that?! Who else is there?!” Finn screamed at the shadow outside the stable.
“Oh look. Brave and strong Finn, leader of the Hermes cabin, and this summer’s capture the flag tournament, acting like a total scaredy cat.” Just then a young women with black curled hair and black clothes walked in a stood next to Envy.
   “Oh great. Another freak. Didn’t anyone tell you all black went out of style 20 years ago?” Finn snorted.
   “Listen here bud.” said the smooth voice with annoyance. “You’re up two against one. Don’t fight us. We aren’t here to pick a fight. But if it’s a fight you want I’ll give you one.” The woman flicked her wrist and her fingers swiftly changed into 15 inch long razor sharp tips. She began to slowly walk closer to Finn, fingers dying for the taste of flesh.
   “Lust, cut it out.” Envy called to the woman.
   “Hmm which to cut out first….throat, arms, head, Envy what do you think?” the woman—Lust—answered.
   “We need him back alive. You can cut him up as much as you want once we got further orders from Father.”  Envy promised Lust.
   “Who is Father and where are you bringing me?!” Finn exclaimed half with frustration and half fright.
   “Oh calm down boy.” Lust answered as she rubbed her chest on Finn. “You’re not dead right now are you? Be grateful!” She ripped herself off Finn and continued back to Envy.
  “Cooperate with us and you’ll be unharmed…for now.” Envy ‘reassured’ Finn.
  “Cooperate with you?! Why would I go stomping off the only safe haven for demigods to go with two people I don’t even know?!”
  Envy and Lust gasped. “NEVER CALL US PEOPLE AGAIN YOU FILTHY PEASANT!” Without warning, Lust shot three of her fingers into Finn’s right shoulder. They pierced through his flesh to come out the other side of his shoulder. As fast as the strike occurred, Lust retracted her fingers from Finn’s shoulder and wiped off the blood on her dress.
  “Ew human blood” she said under her breath.
   Finn was on his knees in a pool of blood. “That…was….dirty…” Finn stuttered as he fell back in pain.
   “Get up!” Envy shrieked at Finn.
   Finn got onto his knees and then fell back again.
   “I said get up you worthless piece of trash!” Envy grabbed Finn’s shirt and hauled him up just to throw him against the stable wall.
   Blood was spilling from Finn’s shoulder wound, nose, and knees. He was shaking with rage.
   “I will not be beaten up by you losers!” Finn screamed as he burst up and slashed Envy’s head off. “I will never be at peace until I se? both your head’s on a wall!” He jabbed his swords edge with all the power and speed he could muster straight into Lust’s heart.
  Both homunculi fell back and down onto the ground, Envy’s head rolling across the floor in a thick pool of blood.
  Finn staggered, holding his injured shoulder and walked towards the doorway.
   “Not so fast boy.” said the same smooth voice from before. Lust got up off the ground and stood in front of the exit, fingers unsheathed and body completely scratch free.
   “But how? How are you not dead in a sea of blood?” Finn growled.
  “Why don’t I ask you that?” Envy said as he stumbled onto his feet and regained his balance.
   Pure fear ran through Finn’s veins. “I just saw your body decapitated not a second ago!” Finn screamed in pain and panic. “How are you perfectly fine?!”
   “You mean you seriously don’t know?” Envy answered in a sarcastic tone. “You have to do a lot more to kill a homunculus!”
    And at that moment, Finn remembered seeing a spear fly straight through both Envy and Lust’s stomachs and a pair of campers haul him onto their shoulders and carry him out of the stained red stable before he blacked out. 

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