Chapter 3 - The Plan for Revolution

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You were exhausted after the excruciatingly long day out in the fields. And even though it was only your break, dirt covered almost every inch of your body, even creeping its way under your finger nails. Yet you made no attempt to pick it out, for your fingers were so numb and no matter how hard you shook them, feeling would not return until you laid in bed that night. You began the walk home you were so familiar with. The streets were hauntingly empty, no one was ever out during this time since they were always so busy with work. You made your way past the mines which were usually deserted, but strangely enough a black horse was posted at the entrance-- Preminger's noble horse!

Your heart began to beat quickly like a galloping stallion, wondering what business Preminger could have in the mines. You thought they had lost any value when the vein of gold ran dry, causing all the miners to lose their employment. Unfortunately the Queen was inept, and made no strives to create new industry, solely relying on the mines for money. That is the cause for the Kingdom's disparity. Perhaps a new vein of gold was found, and Preminger was checking it out. Oh what great news that would be!

Curious, you crept your way to the mine's entrance, nodding respectfully to the horse as you passed it. You were awed by how large the mine was. You always left what was inside up to your own imagination, since your mother forbade you from entering because of the dangerous blasts. You made your way past impressive stalactites and stalagmites that dripped water down to the floor below. You stopped in your tracks when you saw lights up ahead. You continued, creeping along the wall expecting to hear celebration of finding a new vein, but instead you heard hushed whispers of contempt. You kept to the shadows hoping to hear at least something you can make out, when the hushed whispers turned to shouts, and the one shouting you recognised as Preminger.

"We have awaited so long for this day that we finally take back what is ours-- our kingdom, our people. No longer will we have to starve!" You heard his heels clack back and forth as he began his monologue. "Ironically we will beat them with the gold they treasure so much," he chuckled, "the gold that has been due to us all, for working so hard everyday of our lives, some of us since we could walk," hushed sounds of disapproval filled the mine-shaft as Preminger continued, "and what besides gold does the Queen value the most? Oh yes, her royal-pain of a daughter." People began to boo at the mention of Princess Anneliese. "We are in the final sprint of our plan, all that is left is the capture and ransoming of the Princess. With the money raised by the ransom we will be able to arm enough people to create a full-fledged army! Oh the look on the Queen's face when she will see it."

A large smile grew across your face, feeling such pride to be a witness to this historic moment. Although this feeling was cut short when you were suddenly grabbed from behind and tossed out of the darkness into the middle of the crowd.

"A spy," the gruff voice of who had thrown you grumbled.

You looked pleadingly around to the faces of the crowd, hoping they saw you were like them, someone who also wanted a way out of this poverty. Your eyes met Preminger's amber eyes that pierced down at you, studying you as a look of ponderment washed over his face. All eyes were turned to him, wondering what he would decide to do with you. He knelt down before you and lifted your chin with his hand examining both sides of you face, despite this contact with your idol, fear kept you from blushing, instead you were white as a ghost. Then he took your hands into his and he looked closely at them and chuckled, "You've been hard at work all day haven't you?"

"Yes, sir. In the fields, sir," you replied meekly.

A tall man with brown hair stepped forward accusingly, "They could be lying! Anyone can cover themselves with dirt and call them-self a peasant."

Preminger let go of your hands and stood, walking forward threateningly but still, smiling to the man, "Thank you Nack for your, opinion," he scoffed, "you are correct to say anyone can just cover themselves with dirt, but look at (his/her) hands," he again reached for your hand spaying them out for Nack to see, "dirt under the nails," he flipped your hand over, "calluses on the palm. There is no way to fake this-- this person is just like any of us," he exclaimed as he helped you stand up. "Are you alright, my dear?" He addressed you directly.

You looked to the crowd and then back to Preminger, giving him a large smile, "I will be, once the awful Queen is overthrown."

You did not return to work that day, instead staying with Preminger and his ragtag group of rebels deep in the mines, to discuss plans of a revolution.


Hello fellow Premmies! I just wanna thank some of my homies from the Preminger-cult for encouraging me while writing this! Love you guys! Also I am thinking about rewriting the script of the movie framing Queen Genevieve as the villain and Preminger as a rebellion hero alongside Erika and Anneliese (because they really did Anneliese dirty in the original movie) so stay tuned for that! Thank you so much for reading! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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