Chapter 2 - The Aftermath - Premmie POV

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When Preminger arrived to the palace that he loathed so much, he knew what would come. Although what he did was hailed as great by the people's standards, the royals had so much pride that he knew they would be offended by what he had done. His heels clicked annoyingly loud against the marble floors, and the sound abruptly stopped as he reached the doors to go into the throne room. He took a deep breath before bursting into the ornate room, making all heads turn as he did.

Before him was Anneliese and her mother, the Queen. The Queen sat on her brilliant throne, glaring down at him with Anneliese at her side doing the same. He gritted his teeth before plastering on a smile and bowing before them. His bow was cut short however by the Queen's booming voice, "That would not be necessary. We must talk, now."

Preminger straightened up and approached the throne, cursing himself for going too far down in the village. He feigned ignorance and asked, "What is it you'd like to talk to me about, your majesty?" He hated the last part, neither the Queen or the Princess had any capabilities of ruling as the King did. Oh, if only he hadn't died-

"To begin, I am glad to see your safe return from your trip, but Anneliese had told me about your confrontation in the village earlier," the Queen began as next to her Anneliese was trying to conceal a devilish grin, "I am shocked that you would act in such a regard."

Preminger held his tongue for a moment knowing that if he did speak, he'd risk losing his job. Instead, he took a deep breath and began, "There is much unrest in the Kingdom, and I believe we should be trying to rectify this issue," he paused and then turned to look straight at Anneliese, "instead of creating more." Anneliese opened her mouth to argue, but with a lift of her mother's hand she stopped. The Queen stood up and slowly began her descent to Preminger, as if she was a predator.

"What you did was humiliate us, in front of our own people. There is unrest because they do not fear us. And with what you did, they will not think of us as rulers but instead as jesters that they can just overthrow. Princess Anneliese can go down to the village as she pleases, and she will do as she pleases while there, is that clear?"

Preminger gritted his teeth before agreeing. He hated agreeing to this, but again, he needed his job as Royal Advisor in order to enact his plans. Speaking of which, "I must take my leave now," he turned to Anneliese and tried his best to appear apologetic, "I am sorry for the offensive I have caused you, and surely it will not happen again."

The Queen waved her hand to dismiss him, and he bowed once more just to be safe. He hurriedly walked out of the palace and mounted his horse once again. Although this time he was not going down to the village, but instead to the royal mines. 


Author's Note: might have forgotten I wrote this, I am sorry Premmie ;n; But here I am continuing! Thank you for the support on the first chapter! I am not a writer at all so I'm sorry if it's bad but I WILL CONTINUE FOR THE SAKE OF OUR TRUE KING! <3 <3

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